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How To Inspect Your Roof

Check The Drainage System

Roof Inspection – What To Look For!

The drainage system is the final thing you should inspect on the exterior. If you notice that there is a lot of water thats simply not going away, then the first thing you need to do is check for any obstructions. You may just need to clean the drain.

However, if your drain is clean, then you may need to snake the downspouts and drain pipes. If you dont take care of this problem, it will lead to serious roof damage.

Discovered A Problem With Your Roof Heres What To Do Next

In the unwelcome event that your roof inspection has highlighted areas of concern or obvious damage, then you need to act fast small problems can turn into big problems very quickly! You may be able to take on some minor repairs like unblocking your gutters, but youll need to call in the professionals if there are any larger problems or youre not 100% sure how to perform the repairs yourself.

Make Insurance Claims Easier

A professional roofing inspection also takes the sting out of the insurance claims process for storm damage. If you are like most homeowners, you aren’t exactly sure what sorts of repairs or roof replacement services are covered by your insurance policy. An expert roofer will perform the inspection, identify problem areas, help you prepare the insurance claim, and provide invaluable advice regarding how to properly repair the damaged sections of your roof.

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Why Should You Get A Professional Roof Inspection

Most people assume their roof is well made, properly installed, and can withstand mother nature’s wrath. In reality, roofs are quite vulnerable. A roof that is flawed in any manner has the potential to put you and your loved ones in harm’s way. Furthermore, roof damage can result in costly repairs or even a full roof replacement that decimates your finances. The solution is to be proactive with an annual professional roof inspection.

Roof Inspections And Home Inspectors

Roof Inspection in Houston, TX

Roof inspections pose a significant threat to home inspectors. Bartley broke his radius bone in his arm, comminuted his wrist, and broke several carpals in his hand. His injuries put him out of work for eight weeks, and even when he returned, he had to rely on his uninjured arm as the other continued to heal. Nevertheless, Bartley considers himself fortunate. One bad fall from a ladder or roof could end in disability or death.

While its easy to consider yourself too good at your job to have such an accident, it can happen to anyone. In his article Ladder Safety for the ASHI Reporter, Rick Bunzel explained why assuming youre impervious to falls is naive.

Most of us believe well never have an accident during an inspection. However, think back over the past months about how many close calls you had. How many times did the ladder jump around while you were going into the attic? Or the ladder shift when you stepped back onto it? Bunzel wrote.

Thankfully, falling from your ladder or a roof while on the job is avoidable. There are ways for you to manage your risk against harm. In this article, we discuss some precautions and resources to overcome fall hazards you may encounter during inspections.

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How Do You Inspect Your Roof For Hail Damage

Normally, it is advisable to get a professional to take a look at your roof after a hailstorm. But if you want to do it yourself, the first thing to do is to look at the areas around your house. Are there any shattered windows or any other glasses? This will give you an idea of the severity of the hailstorm because the level of damage it caused on other areas will give you an idea of the damage caused to the roof.

To inspect your roof, you will need a ladder, if you are scared of heights this is not something you should do. Getting a ladder and climbing up there will give you a closer view of your roof so that you see if anything is wrong. But even if you see something wrong, please do not attempt to fix it yourself, you will end up messing everything up.

Check For Damaged Missing Or Old Shingles

Missing or damaged shingles can also let water seep through your roof. If you have wooden shingles or wood shake shingles, inspect them for signs of dry rot, either from the ground or from a ladder . Asbestos, slate, or clay tile roofs can suffer from breakage, so look for cracked, chipped, broken, or altogether missing shingles. If youre performing a metal roof inspection, check for signs of corrosion, rust, stress wrinkling, or other wear.

If you have asphalt shingles, check for signs of wear as you clean your gutters. Asphalt contains gravel-like granules. As the shingles age, these granules will break free and find their way into your gutters. If you see a lot of asphalt granules in your gutters, check the roof carefully for damaged or missing shingles.

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Look For Algae Moss Or Piles Of Leaves

If you have binoculars, you can begin your DIY roof checkup from the ground. Start by walking around your house and checking your roof for piles of leaves or other growth or debris, all of which can cause serious damage to a roof. They can trap moisture, which can seep into the sheathing below your shingles and even into the structural elements of the roof itself. You should clear these away immediately.

Moss is especially dangerous because it soaks up rainwater like a sponge. The moisture can cause the wooden structure underneath your roof to mold and decay, which can compromise the structural integrity of your roof.

So, how do you get rid of pesky moss? You can apply moss killer and brush the offending moss away with a broom or brush, especially if the infestation is new. When you have your roof re-shingled, consider buying moss- and algae-resistant shinglesthey may be more expensive than the regular shingles, but they can keep moss away for the lifetime of the roof.

What Should I Be Looking For

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First things first: its not a good idea to climb around on your roof. You can look for problems from below, but if you think someone needs to check the roof out up-close, call a professional contractor to handle the task. You could get extremely hurt by taking even one misstep. That said, there are several issues you can spot from the ground.

If you notice any missing shingles, its a sure sign that its time to have your roof repaired . You should also look for shingles that have buckled or warped. Either of these issues can indicate that your current roof is past its prime and ought to be removed in the near future.

Many homeowners dont realize that there are also red flags they can look for inside. Peeling paint or wallpaper can warn of roof problems. Typically, this happens when water seeps through the roof and begins to settle in the walls. If this is happening in your house, you absolutely need to have your roof replaced before a mold problem develops.

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A Roofing Inspection Checklist To Get Ahead Of Problems

A regular roof inspection can head off expensive repairs.

A roof inspection is one of those preventive maintenance jobs that are easy to overlook. Don’t. Add a once-a-year reminder on your calendar to go out on a warm day and address any roof problems you find.

If you’re squeamish about heights, don’t worry. You can do a thorough inspection from the ground using a pair of binoculars.

Or, you can get up close and personal with your roof using a ladder. However, there’s no need to get up on your roof just yet. The less you walk around up there, the better for your roofing — and the safer for you. Work your way around your house, noting any potential problems.

Here’s a roofing inspection checklist:

  • Cracked caulk or rust spots on flashing.
  • Shingles that are buckling, curling, or blistering.
  • Missing or broken shingles.
  • Cracked and worn rubber boots around vent pipes.
  • Missing or damaged chimney cap.
  • Masses of moss and lichen, which could signal the roof is decaying underneath. Black algae stains are just cosmetic.

If you find piles of colored grit from asphalt roof tiles in the gutters, thats a bad sign — those sand-like granules cover the surface of roof shingles and shield them from the suns damaging ultraviolet rays. Check the age of your roofing and see if it’s nearing the end of its life cycle.

When Was The Last Time You Inspected Your Roof

Be honest when it comes to home maintenance, sometimes you forget about your roof, right? Well, youre not alone! The two most common causes of water damage in the home come from flooded basements and leaky roofs. You should have a roof inspection done at least twice a year and after every storm or severe weather event. You dont have to call a professional to inspect the roof, this is a 7-step DIY tips to repair your roof thats simple, quick, and cost-efficient. So you can identify the condition of your roof and know if some repair work needs to be done, or if its time to replace your roof.

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How To Inspect A Roof For Damage

Real estate expert, television personality, two time best-selling author

When assessing property for flipping, knowing a bit about roofs and the basics of how to inspect a roof will help you prevent overlooking a costly expense. Depending on the material, square footage, type of roof, slope, architecture, and number of interruptions such as chimneys, skylights, dormers, and vents, a roof replacement can cost thousands of thousands dollars. And because many buyers hire home inspectors, an overlooked needed roof replacement can come to light during the selling process and cost you a property sale.

What To Expect At Your Roof Inspection

Professional Roof Inspection

Your roof will keep you safe and dry for decades, as long as it is well-maintained. In order to keep your roof in its best possible condition, experts recommend that you schedule an annual roof inspection.

A yearly inspection will allow you to identify any small issues before they become large problems, and keep your home protected for years to come.

Professional roofing contractors not only install new roofs, but will be able to perform inspections and necessary roofing repairs as well.

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Can I Inspect My Own Roof

Before buying a home, you should always get an inspection done by a home inspection professional.

Once you own your home, you can inspect your own roof, but be careful with DIY inspections and repairs. Even the most experienced home inspectors and roof inspectors are at risk when working on a roof.

Your safety should come first, and you should only get on your roof and attempt repairs if you are confident you know what you’re doing. Often, repairs will be done better and more efficiently by a roofing professional.

Look Closely At The Soil Stacks

The contractor should also investigate the sol stacks for any cracks or other issues. This is another small but important detail of the roof that needs to be secure. You dont want to replace the soil

stack boot with a cheap alternative. Here at First American, we use boots that last 50 years because they are made of silicon.

If you notice damage on or around a soil stack, this should be factored into your estimate. While there is a range of replacement options, we opt to invest instead of a quick fix. Reinstalling a soil stack that will go bad before you need to replace your roof again will only cause more problems down the road. Taking the time and money to get this right will save you in the long run.

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Cracked Curled Disturbed Or Slipping Or Missing Tiles Or Slates:

If your tiles/slates are damaged or missing, this leaves areas of your roof exposed to the elements, which may further escalate any issues. Dont delay with repairing or replacing professionals, such as TCK Roofing, will nip any problems in the bud in the correct and proper profession manner needed.

Check Your Gutter For Granules

How to Inspect Your Roof

If your roof has a granular asphalt surface, you will need to check your gutter for gable pieces. Over time, as your roof ages, so does the asphalt. It becomes very brittle and the granules keep falling off over time.

If you find just a few pieces in the gutter, thats not too worrisome. However, if there is a significant amount of granule in your gutter, then you will need to replace them immediately.

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Three: Examine The Flashing Guttering & Vents

Flashing is a thin metal strip thats used to seal joints and keep water out of the interior of your home vents, chimneys and other objects on your roof will have flashing. Using binoculars again if you have them, check the flashing on your roof for gaps, rust, or signs that it has moved the flashing should be completely flush with the roof.

Next, check your vents for dents or other visible signs of damage. Make sure that theyre not blocked and are working properly.

Finally, you need to inspect your guttering. Blocked and damaged gutters can cause major damage to your roof, so its important to check them properly. Check whether the gutters are sagging or have become loose, inspect them for tears and holes, and make sure there are no blockages.

You should also check the gutters and downspouts for signs of granules that may have come off the shingles.

Chimney System And Skylights/windows

If the roof has skylights, windows, or a chimney system, there is a chance that they are damaged or have caused damage to other parts of the roof, such as shingles. It’s relatively common to see damaged shingles directly below a chimney.

Home inspectors will also check that any chimney has the correct flashing and saddles .

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Camp Smart To Avoid Any Serious Damage To Your Rv Roof

While roof damage is common in RVs, there are some precautions you can take to avoid it. An RV, like any other vehicle, undergoes wear and tear with its use and age. But the damages can be minimized if you are careful and vigilant.

To keep your roof protected from cracks and other damages that let water seep through it, you should be careful while driving. Avoid smashing the roof into low hanging branches as they can cause small cracks in the roof that can cause a lot of water damage. They may seem like harmless scratches on the paint only but can develop into a major water leakage issue later on.

Also, avoid parking your RV directly under trees. It can cause damage caused by birds as well as sticky sap. Check the weather forecast before starting any journey. Try to avoid hailstorms and rain as much as you can as they can damage the roof of your RV.

Two: Look Around The Attic


After checking the exterior, its time to inspect your attic. If your roof is damaged, then therell often be visible signs of the damage on the interior.

First check for any signs of active leaks using a flashlight will help you to spot water quickly. Then check for holes, making sure that you inspect all parts of the roof carefully for signs of light leaking in.

Water rings on the roof, areas that are darker than others, and sagging are all clear signs that your roof has been damaged.

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Check For Stains In The Wood

Its very likely that you wont be able to locate any obvious signs of roof damage. If you dont have any water stains on your ceiling, then you still need to check the woodwork in your attic. If you notice that some parts are moister than others, this may be cause for concern. Check out the roof above the moist area to see if there are any water stains or water droplets.

What To Look For When Inspecting Your Roof

From the outside

  • Look for any colour changes or presence of moss on your roof. These are signs of aging.
  • Check the roof for visible damages that might need repairing, especially around chimneys or other fixtures .
  • Look for any traces of humidity on the top of your walls. If yes, check the welding and junctions of the gutters and pipes, or whether the gutters are clogged.
  • Check if the fascia boards are well secured, as they are exposed to strong winds.

From the inside

  • Inspect your under-roof for any damages. The underroof protects the structure of your roof and keeps water out.
  • If you can see the tiles, look for traces of humidity around the edge. Your tiles might have moved and are not watertight anymore.
  • Look for dried puddles on the ground, especially under valleys, ridges and added fixtures . These can be caused by leaks. Verify again during heavy rains.
  • Check for dust of eroded material on the ground. As they age, terracotta tiles may become porous and friable.

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James Dulley: Wire Shelves Are Strong And Reasonably Priced

Dear James: We have many closets in our new house, but they are already a mess and full. Are wire shelving kits good, and are they easy to install?

Denise S.

Dear Denise: Builders often just install a typical standard closet storage system that consists of a horizontal hanger rod with a single plank shelf above it. This is very inexpensive and quick to install, but it can waste up to 60% of the potential storage space in a closet.

If you are an inexperienced do-it-yourselfer, wire shelving kits are the answer to your dreams.

Not only are the new kits attractive and functional, but literally anyone can install them with basic tools. The coated steel wire is lightweight, but surprisingly strong.

Residential wire shelving has evolved over the past 25 years from basic utilitarian units to complete shelving systems. Some even have drawers.

Most home center stores have an entire section of standard kits and all the accessories: clothes baskets, hat and tie racks, shoe holders, etc.

The most attractive feature of wire shelving, after its simple installation, is its open weave. This allows air to move through the clothes and makes it easy to quickly find the item you want. Think of all the time you waste now opening drawers and moving stacks of clothes on closet shelves.

Now that you have planned your closet shelving and have purchased the kits that you need, it is time to start installing them on the walls.

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