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HomeDamageHow Big Of Hail To Damage Roof

How Big Of Hail To Damage Roof

What Does Roof Hail Damage Look Like

Roof Inspection for Hail Damage

After youve inspected things on the ground, next its time to get up on the roof and check out the shingles as well as the vents, chimneys, chimney covers, skylights, and any other features.

One quick tip if youre having trouble spotting potential damage on harder or more reflective metal surfaces, chalk will come in handy just run your chalk sideways over the surface and the potential hail damage will show up more clearly.

Its a little easier to spot the damage on rougher spots like shingles.

In the event of a major natural catastrophe like a hail storm, you probably already know that you need to check out your roof for possible damage and leaks.

Moreover, if youve noticed some of the more minor signs of roof leaks that may be related to hail damage then you need to examine things further and determine the next steps regarding your potential roof leak and repairs, and possibly call in the experts for help.

There are certain signs you should look out for if you think that youve experienced hail damage to your roof or your property in general.

Well describe the signs below for the various common types of roofing systems below.

Industry Standard Testing For Hail/impact On A Roof System

The industry standard, UL 2218 Standard for Impact Resistance of Prepared Roof Covering Materials, exists to test a metal panels resistance to puncturing or failing when it comes into contact with items, including hail.

The method of testing provides impact resistance data for the evaluation of prepared roof covering materialsThe test evaluates the effect of impact from a steel ball at locations on the assembly selected to be most vulnerable, such as edges, corners, unsupported sections, and joints.

Four steel balls of different sizes are dropped from varying heights onto the metal panels . They drop the ball twice on the same spot of the metal roof, and if it doesnt structurally go through the metal panel, doesnt crack it, or doesnt cause the roof system to fail, then it passes.

Rating is determined on a scale from Class 1 to 4, with Class 4 being the toughest and least likely to fail when in contact with objects. In other words, it will pass as long as the objects damage doesnt stop the roof from serving its structural purpose. For reference, Sheffield Metals sheet and coil have a Class 4 rating.

The Homeowner’s Guide To Hail Roof Damage

Winter can cause stress for homeowners. Hail might be another type of winter weather.

Hail at is a type of ice fragment that can vary in speed, size, and appearance. Your roof may also be damaged, especially if the damage is not noticed immediately.

How severe can hail damage to roofs be?

Any hailstone can cause damage to roofs, depending on their condition and speed.

  • Hail in the Shape of a Dime

Although hail is not usually dangerous, it can cause hailstones as small as a penny to tear asphalt shingles.

  • Hail in Quarter Size

Hail between the sizes of a quarter of a dime and a dollar may not cause major damage but it can cause roof damage and accelerate erosion. Higher speeds are more likely to cause damage.

  • Half-dollar

Any hailstone greater than a quarter of a gallon can cause damage to your roof.

How do you determine if hail

There is a wide range of roofing materials available, but most have the same basic characteristics. The majority of materials can be classified into asphalt/shingle, slate/ceramic or metal.

  • Checks at the Ground

Inspect the area around your home for damage from storms. Do not wait until there is a leak to find out if your roof has been damaged.

  • Examining Metal Components of Roofs

Hail damage can cause damage to your roof’s flashings and vents. Small holes, scrapes, and dents are all signs of hail damage.

Roofs made of asphalt or other soft tiles

Roofs made of slate or ceramic

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Areas Inspected Upon Climbing On The Roof

Roofing systems have most of their wear and tear come from the weather no matter if its rain or shine. Hail damage is often accompanied by wind, rain and other forms of ice damage due to storms bringing multiple forces with them.

Due to this, there are multiple parts of the roof system that must be verified as damage free. Chimneys, roof vents, shingles and anything attached to the roof such as a satellite all need checked as any damage to where they attach to the roof can let in rainwater and lower the effectiveness of the roofs insulation.

The area most inspections are more concerned about are the shingles. Identifying shingle damage can be difficult to do as their composition makes visually noticing impacts near impossible from a distance. Once up close, hail damage will be seen as a loss of the protective layer of granules shingles use to fight off heat and precipitation.

Older roofs may have shingles that are already nearing the end of their service life and can be physically dislodged from their designated position. Its not a common occurrence in newer homes but given the right mix of high winds and large hail, any roof can suffer from a new hole that needs addressed.

Hailstone Size Density & Shape

How the Right Roof Helps Reduce Hail Damage

Hailstones vary greatly in size, density and shape.

Experts believe that hailstones larger than 3 centimetres wreak the worst damage. Large hailstones accelerated by high winds have even been known to puncture older, weaker roofs. Jagged hailstones with rough edges are more powerful and dangerous on impact.

Roofs with multi-layered shingles are vulnerable to penetration from smaller size hailstones because these hailstones can easily strike the soft support area under the top shingle layer.

Many homeowners want to know, Can pea-sized hail damage a roof? Unfortunately, even the smallest hail impact can trigger a or other major problems that can compromise the long-term value and safety of your roof.

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How Does Hail Damage A Roof

The average hailstorm lasts only five minutes, but the hail damage they leave behind totals about $1 billion a year, according to the National Weather Service. When hail hits, it can damage the roof or covering of your home as well as other personal property, which is why its important to schedule a professional roof inspection after each storm to assess any damage.

Hail damage on a roof can be seen as indentations and/or fractures on the shingles surface. Hailstones vary in size, shape, and hardness and can create a random pattern of dents or depressions. If this is not evident, look for indentations on metal flashings, siding, chimney caps, or even skylight flashings. After some time, clusters of granules may come off in a random pattern and expose the asphalt.

The most common types of hail damage include:

Because unrepaired hail damage to your roof will get worse over time, getting an inspection and repairing the damage is always the best idea and will help you avoid costly repairs. Think your roof might have storm damage? Contact us today for a free, no-obligation roof inspection!

Hail Damage Roofing Services

If youre like most people, you know that your roof is your homes first line of defense against the elements it protects your homes structure and everything inside from sun and harmful ultraviolet rays, rain, wind and especially hail. But after a storm, theres a chance that your roof is damaged. Hailstones can cause irreparable damage to your property.

The sooner you address and treat these issues, the better. After the storm has passed, its important that you call New View Roofing for a free roof inspection. Our experts can come to your home and look for signs of hail damage that could put your house at risk and treat any affected areas accordingly. You can rest assured that we will restore your roof efficiently and professionally.

The best, and safest, way for your to check your roof after a hail storm is with a visual inspection. You can usually do this by walking around the perimeter of your home. If anything seems out of place or looks as if its sagging, there may be a problem. We recommend you go into your attic to check for signs of internal damage, as well.

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Why Hail Roof Damages Must Be Repaired

If hail causes any damage, it needs to be repaired immediately because the longer ice and snow remain on your roof, the more damage it will cause.

Repairing your roof in a timely manner is important for many reasons:

Its possible that you may not experience any problems with ice or snow after hail damages your home however, this could change if another storm hits and causes additional accumulations on top of everything already sitting there.

Although ice and snow dont pose a direct threat to your home, they can make it more difficult and dangerous for you and your family members. For example:

If ice dams form on the shingles of your roof, water seeping through these areas may drip under the eaves or into other exterior walls this moisture could lead to mold growth as well as other potential problems.

Its possible that you may not even notice the damage hail causes on your roof until it becomes a much larger problem however, getting help from an experienced professional is still highly recommended because they can identify areas where water might seep through and cause more serious issues throughout your home.

Factors That Can Affect The Level Of Hail Damage On A Roof

What Does Roof Hail Damage Look Like? | San Antonio Roofing Contractor.

As it applies to hail and how much aesthetic or physical damage it does to a metal roof system, it varies and is dependent on several factors.

Size of the Hail

Much of the damage is dependent on the size of the hail the roof comes into contact with. The industry standard, which we will discuss in the next section, that is used to measure how hail will affect a metal roof tests objects that are up to two inches in diameter. But if your project is in Texas, Colorado, or another location that is susceptible to four- to six-inch size hailstones, there arent many scenarios where hail of that size doesnt cause some level of damage. It really just depends on the strength of the storm.

Thickness of the Metal

Another factor that can affect the degree of denting or damage to a metal roof is the metals thickness. The higher the gauge, the thinner the steel metal substrate it, so a 29-gauge roofing system will be more susceptible to damage than a 22- or 24-gauge metal roof. On the other hand, aluminum coil is sold according to the decimal of thickness, and the higher the decimal the thicker the substrate. For example, a .032 aluminum roof is more prone to hail damage than a .040 roof.

Roof Slope

Rib Roller/Striations vs. Flat Panels

Roof Deck Type

Embossed Metal

Paint System Finish

Also Check: Skylight For Metal Roof

Should I Claim Hail Damage On My Roof

The answer is yes, your homeowners insurance should cover hail damage and any other roof damage caused by extreme weather . If you suspect hail damage to your roof, you must call your insurance company first and then a roofing contractor.

What Does Hail Damage to Your Roof Look Like?

  • Random damage with no discernable pattern.
  • Hail hits that are black in color.
  • Loss of granules, which may expose the roof felt.
  • Asphalt and/or mat that appears shiny.
  • Hail hits that are soft to the touch, like the bruise on an apple.
  • How To Prepare For Filing A Hail Damage Insurance Claim For Your Roof

    If you suspect that your roof has sustained damage from a hail storm, the first thing you need to do is inspect the roof for dents, dings, split shingles, and any leaks, and cover any damaged areas with a tarp or similar waterproof material to show the insurance company that you made initial efforts to mitigate the damage.

    Take pictures and videos of everything you find, and hopefully you have previous documentation of the state of your property before the hail storm.

    As any public adjuster will advise, you should be regularly documenting the state of your property so you can provide evidence of the state of your property including your vehicles and any other outdoor assets prior to a disaster and compare the before and after images for your claim.

    Itll make it easier for everyone involved to assess the extent of the damage and make it more difficult for your insurance company to claim that damage previously existed prior to the hail storm or other disaster.

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    How Does Depreciation Work In A Hail Damage Claim

    Depreciation means a lower payout, so many insurance companies will use actual cash value , which deducts depreciation. Your insurance policy documents govern your roof coverage. You can usually count on those issues being part of your hail damage claims process. If so, the following steps are necessary.

    Hail Damage Repair Specialists

    Gregory Contracting Storm Damage

    When you hear the rapid clatter of hail on your roof, you should always be concerned about hail damage. Whether the hail is pea-sized or bigger than a softball, the potential for damage is always there. If your roof does get damaged and you need roof hail damage repair in Atlanta, GA, youll want to get prompt help from a reputable, trusted local roofing company like Colony Roofers. Fully licensed and insured, we have the experienced crews to get your roof repaired quickly and effectively no matter how severe the damage. Get help from us today by calling .

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    What Size Of Hail Can Damage Your Roofing

    June 4, 2021 by Jose Puente

    Hail damage can lead to a number of problems in your roofing, especially if you fail to recognize it early or if you delay the necessary repairs. Since some signs of hail damage are not obvious, its best to call a professional roofer after a hail storm so that they can check your roof, assess any damage that may have been caused by hail and perform storm damage repair.

    Take note, however, that different kinds of hail can have varying impacts on your roofing. In this post, Atrium Roofing discusses various sizes of hail and the possible extent of damage that they can cause.

    Clay Wood And Synthetic Material

    Besides the natural factors, the construction and material quality of your roof also determine the force your tile roof can sustain. Clay tiles are more susceptible to damage than concrete ones.

    Wood and synthetic material have even lesser resistance against adverse weather conditions. And, no matter how good the material of your roof is, substandard construction will eventually render it liable to damages and faster deterioration.

    The position and direction of neighboring structures like trees, buildings, fences, and natural barriers also make a difference, reducing the ability of hailstones to harm your tile roof.

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    Other Types Of Roofing System Problems That You May Mistake For Hail Damage

    Keep in mind that there are many other types of damage or issues with your roofing system that are easy to mistake for hail damage.

    Things like exposure to inclement weather or intense sunlight causes shingles to become brittle and may lead to an aged or weathered experience.

    Blistering, cracking, granule loss, flaking, and mold or algae depending on your local environment can all be confused with hail damage.

    These types of damage are normal wear and tear to the roof, but they may be confused with hail damage if youve recently experienced a hail storm.

    Whats more, manufacturing defects and other imperfections may have occurred during the installation process.

    Always have a professional inspect your roof if you have any questions, and contact your public adjuster if you believe you have sustained damage from a hail storm or other weather event.

    Note that the cause of the damage may affect your insurance claim so its important to understand the source of the issues with your roof before you make a claim.

    How Is Hail Damage Covered In Homeowners Insurance

    Hail Roof Damage Claim Denied After Allstate Points To ‘Cosmetic Exclusion’ Amendment

    In many states, usually where hail is less frequent, a standard homeowners policy includes hail damage as part of your protection coverage. Homeowners file a claim, pay the policy deductible, and then the insurer pays to fix the damage.

    Depreciation means a lower payout, so many insurance companies will use actual cash value , which deducts depreciation. Your insurance policy documents govern your roof coverage. You can usually count on those issues being part of your hail damage claims process. If so, the following steps are necessary.

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    What Hail Damage Really Looks Like On A Roof

    May 17, 2021 | Roof, Useful Tips

    If youve ever witnessed a hailstorm, you know how hard hailstones can hit the ground and your property. As children, hail brings about a sense of excitement and wonder. As adults, its more likely to create a pit in our stomachs as we think about possible damage and costly repairs to our cars, our siding, our gutters, our roofs, and other property. We know its bad, but what exactly happens when hail strikes?

    Is It Worth Filing A Claim For Hail Damage

    If you do have coverage, whether you should file a claim depends on a few things. You should take into consideration how much the cost of repair for hail damage is, how much your deductible is and how much your car is worth . If your car is older and worth $2,500, it may not be worth it, she adds.

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    Checking For Roof Hail Damage At Ground Level

    Blown Off Shingles

    Look for broken bits or loose shingles that may have fallen off around the house and in the yard. Hail is usually accompanied by high winds. If you see shingles in the yard, you may have wind or hail damage on the roof.

    Outdoor Furniture Damage

    Take a look at your outdoor furniture. Hail will crack or put holes in plastic yard furniture. It may also chip the paint or splinter the wood on wooden furniture.

    Damaged Outdoor Lights

    Look for cracked or broken light fixtures in the yard or on the sides of house.

    Garage Door Dents/Dings

    Check garage doors for dents, dings, paint chips, scuff patterns.

    Damaged Swing/Play Sets

    Check play sets and swing sets for dents, dings, paint chips, scuff patterns. Look for splintered wood or light discolored spots in the stain.

    Utility Shed Damage

    Check sheds or buildings for damage to metal roofing, siding, etc. Look closely at the roof of metal utility sheds for dents. Look at shingled utility sheds for small spots where shingles are dimpled or have missing granules.

    Dented AC Condenser/Heat Pump

    Check the air conditioner condenser unit housing for dents or damage from hail. Check the condenser coil fins for dent.

    Window Well Covers

    Cracks and holes in window well covers may indicate diameter and quantity of hail.

    Dented Dryer Vents or Wall Vents

    Dents in the soft metal of various wall vents may point to potential roof damage.

    Damage to Fencing

    Chips or Dents to Deck Stain/Paint

    Damage to Painted Wood Surfaces


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