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HomeEditor PicksHow Much Does Tesla Solar Roof Cost Per Square Foot

How Much Does Tesla Solar Roof Cost Per Square Foot

Solar Roof Has A Troubled History

Tesla Solar Roof Costs

Tesla’s solar roof dates back to 2016, the year Tesla bought SolarCity, a solar panel installation company founded by two of Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s cousins. Prior to the merger, SolarCity installed conventional solar panels that sit above a customer’s roof . But in 2016, weeks before the SolarCity deal was due to close, Tesla announced the solar roof project, which features roofing tiles that double as solar panels.

Tesla started accepting preorders for solar roof in May 2017. In August 2018, Musk told investors that Tesla had “several hundred solar roofs” installed. But the company then quickly walked that statement back, clarifying that Musk was including people who were scheduled for roof installations but hadn’t gotten them yet. The same month, Reuters reported that Tesla was struggling to manufacture roof tiles at its solar panel factory in Buffalo, New York.

In 2019, Tesla announced it was slashing prices for the solar roof in an effort to boost sluggish demand for the product. In 2020, Tesla canceled the orders of some customers because they were out of Tesla’s service area. At the same time, Tesla said it had “roughly tripled” solar roof installations between the first and second quarters of 2020.

All of which is to say that, after years of delays and setbacks, Tesla may be finally selling the solar roof at significant scale. And the company has apparently discovered that the costs of installing a solar roof are higher than previously anticipated for many customers.

How Much Does Square Of Slate Shingles Cost

Shingles are sold in bundles and squares. A square equals 100 square feet and costs between $100 and $1,800. A pack is about 1/3 the size of a square and costs an average of $30 to $600. At the bottom of the scale, asphalt averages between $100 and $150 per square, while slate averages around $1,200.

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How Does Tesla Solar Roof Compare To Other Roofs

To compare the price of installing a Tesla Solar Roof to reinstalling other roofs, we need to break down two components: the cost of installing solar panels and the costs of reinstalling a roof.

For a conventional solar installation, the average cost per Watt is approximately $2.75/Watt. That means, for an average home that installs a 7 kW solar panel system, the cost would be $19,250 .

As you can see, the cost of installing solar panels is much less than the cost of installing a Tesla Solar Roof. If you were not considering reinstalling your roof, just installing solar panels would be your best option.

However, what if you are also considering reinstalling your roof along with installing solar?

The average cost of replacing an asphalt shingle roof for a 2,000 square foot home comes out to approximately $7,000, according to If we add this to the cost of installing solar panels , the estimated cost would be $26,250.

On paper this example of installing solar panels and reshingling the roof would cost less than installing a Tesla Solar Roof. However, what if your roof is not made of asphalt shingles?

Below are cost estimates from for reinstalling different roofing materials. As you can see, the costs can vary quite a bit, but it can give you a good idea of the potential costs of reinstalling your roof. Combine this cost with the cost of installing solar panels , and you will have an idea of how the price might compare to a Tesla Solar Roof .

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How To Really Tell What Solar Would Cost For Your Home

The best way to get a good idea of what solar would cost for your home, regardless of size, is to reach out to trusted solar installers and get competitive quotes. While a quote from Paradise Energy Solutions is always obligation-free, and our solar consultants wont take a pushy, high-pressure sales approach, we understand you may not be ready to take that step.

While we may not be able to give you a good idea of the cost of solar panels for your home based on size, you can get a general idea based on how much electricity you use.

Tesla Solar Roof: How Much You Could Save

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Tesla says the roof pays for itself over time. The tiles are rated to collect energy for 30 years, meaning in practice they may wind up being cheaper in the long run than regular roofs, too.

For the leaked solar roof quote provided to Electrek, Tesla estimated that the price of energy over 30 years would cost $65,466. That equates to $2,182.20 spent on energy each year. This would bring the total cost down to $4,121, according to Teslaâs figures. Not bad at all.

One of the few that would know how it works in practice is Tobler. She tells Inverse that her energy bills for the previous 12 months came to âabout $4,000 total.â The year she had the roof, she paid $119.61 on a minimum delivery charge to stay connected to the grid. They also received $42.25 back for surplus energy, meaning they paid $77.36 for the total year.

This means Tobler saved $3,922 in a single year for the roof. Over 30 years she would have saved $117,660. That means, after 13 years of owning the roof, it probably would have paid for itself.

Itâs a tantalizing prospect, and the figures show the roof makes sense from an economic perspective. But thatâs still a hefty chunk of change for long-term savings, and itâs a big leap of faith on a new product. It could take some time before the solar roof becomes a more common sight.

Update 7/1 6 a.m. Eastern time: An earlier version of this story described the solar roof as atheistically pleasing. It has since been corrected.

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Ecohome Predictions For The Bipv Market

One very legitimate criticism of all Tesla products so far is the meeting of their own delivery-target dates. The Tesla solar roof is no different. Their competitors have a long head-start in the industry, but once a good number of Tesla roofs are installed in Canada and the US, and consumers get a look at them compared to the competition, we think it will be game over. And did you notice the warranty timelines? 30 years across the board is a noticeable improvement over combo 10 to 25 year warranties for different components from the Tesla solar roof competitors.

And this all begs the question – if they really do become the most sought-after roof, will they then be able to meet demand? Well, there is a Tesla masterplan for that too. Since as much as 70% of a roof wont need active solar panels, it makes no sense to tie up Tesla production facilities with producing inactive but matching roof tiles, so they will probably license that out to mainstream roof tile manufacturers instead. And, considering it is 70% of the roof surface, and it’s going to be in the premium roof covering market sector – and it has that magic “Tesla” name attached to it – which roofing product manufacturer wouldn’t be interested in producing the inert Tesla solar roof tiles?

Are Teslas Solar Roof Tiles Worth It

If you are considering the Tesla solar roof tiles solution, be ready to buy a whole new roof for your home, even if you do not need it! These solar tiles are a part of totality roofing tiles, which is reasonable because no one installs solar power system facing the northern direction. Prepare yourself to afford a very expensive roof with big part of non-solar tiles, although it will certainly last for a long time. Experts from Tesla have created indestructible roof tiles and gave a lifetime warranty on it.

When considering solar panels, everything is about savings on electricity bills, payoff investment and free uses of electrical energy. Experts from Tesla have defined the price of $21.85 per square foot of solar tiles, installed on 35% of the roof surface. For example, 2.500 square foot of roof surface with 65% non-solar tiles, and 35% of solar tiles would cost almost $55.000 ! Approximately, with Tesla solar tiles system on a 35% of 2.500 square foot roof, electricity production would be about 10kW. Yes, for that amount of money, you can install a small solar power plant, which can produce 20kW!

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Financial Breakeven Period For Tesla Solar Roof

The breakeven period is the time it will take for the Tesla solar roof to pay for itself. How long will it take for the investment to pay for itself? Sure, you save money on your electrical bill every month, but is that savings enough to make the upfront cost of the solar roof easier to digest?

How does the breakeven period affect the real cost of your Tesla Solar Roof? Well, it does through a concept called the time value of money. This concept just means that the money you have now will be worth less than the same numerical amount in X amount of years.

Across the US as a whole, the average breakeven period for the Tesla roof is estimated at 10-15 years. If you pay less for the solar roof and installation, your breakeven period will be shorter. Therefore, residents of the states below that receive higher tax breaks will experience a faster breakeven period.

  • Rhode Island
  • New Mexico
  • New York

For example, lets say you live in Rhode Island, and your cost to install the Tesla solar roof was $13,000 after tax credits, and the solar roof lowers your energy bill by $100 each month.

To find your breakeven period you divide the total cost by your monthly savings . Once you do the math, you get a break-even period of 130 months or 10 years and 10 months.

This break-even example does not take into account other savings the Tesla roof provides, such as being credited for extra energy your roof provides to the power grid. Here is a summary of how the breakeven period works:

Does Tesla Sell Solar Panels To Sell

How Much Does A Tesla Solar Tile Roof Weight? | Tesla Solar Roof

The company plans to expand retail and online sales of solar systems, including in Tesla stores. It will also continue to sell systems through long-term partnerships with retailers such as The Home Depot and Best Buy Co Inc.

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The Future Is Bright For Solar Roof Tiles

Our world is in dire need of solar solutions to combat energy problems that were currently facing. And though solar panels and other solar systems are great, theyre not the most practical at times, especially in terms of the space needed for installation. That is why more people would like to have products that are already building-integrated photovoltaics because they solve multiple problems at the same time. And a perfect example of a BIPV product is the solar shingle.

Moreover, solar shingles save time and money in the long run, as they only require a single installation crew and a single product for roofing and solar energy production. They dont need that much maintenance as well.

Additionally, solar shingles can produce as much energy as conventional, roof-mounted solar, which makes them highly efficient. And most importantly, solar installation prices continue to fall, so homeowners will grow more accustomed to owning PV systems instead of using third-party financing. As a result, differentiated solar products, like solar shingles, will increase market share.

Although the roof has its own feature to keep your home a cozy and safe place for your family solar manufacturers added a new feature to it electricity generation. Solar roof shingle companies are continually improving their products to make them cheaper and more affordable, so we can expect to see more beautiful and stylish rooftop coverings that can also harvest power directly from the sun, for decades.

Can I Finance My Tesla Solar Roof +

Yes! We are pleased to offer a financing program through Sunlight Financial that is designed exclusively for Tesla Solar Roof and Powerwall. The program offers 10 or 20 year fixed rate loans with no prepayment penalty and a one-time optional re-amortization that allows homeowners to apply tax refunds from the Investment Tax Credit to reduce monthly payments for the remainder of the loan. In some cases, our clients have found it even more the current interest rate and property value environment has made refinancing an attractive option for some clients.

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What Are Solar Shingles

Solar shingles, or solar roof tiles, are made of slim photovoltaic sheets that either overlay or replace the existing shingles on a roof. They absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity. By relying on this method of energy as opposed to electricity, for example, homeowners will save money on monthly bills and eventually recoup their initial investments.

Like regular roof shingles, solar shingles protect your home from the weather and other elements. These shingles are not only energy-efficient, but they also offer a more attractive aesthetic to a home than do the large, bulky panels normally associated with solar-powered energy.

Whats New With The Tesla Solar Roof In 2021

Teslas Solar Roof are cheaper than anything you can find ...

At the end of October 2019, Tesla launched the Solar Roof V3, the latest iteration of the solar roof tiles. Unlike its predecessors, the new Tesla solar roof product comes in one style and consists of fewer parts.

Elon Musk was confident that the rollout of the new solar tiles would be the best version yet. The company planned to ramp up production at their Gigafactory in Buffalo, New York, and partner with local installers to help deploy more solar roofs than they had in the past.

A little over a year later, Musk wound up eating his words, admitting that the company had made significant mistakes with their solar roof project in Teslas Q1 2021 call.

Things started to turn sour for the solar roof in March 2021, when Tesla updated its solar roof pricing, making it even more expensive than before. They kept the cost per watt of solar the same, but the cost of the inactive tiles went up and now varied based on the complexity of a homeowners roof.

Then, just a month later, Tesla increased solar roof prices yet again. The real kicker is that Tesla didnt just up their pricing for new solar roof orders: people who already signed contracts with Tesla saw their installation prices increase, as well.

In some cases, the new prices were 30% higher than the prices in their original contract! And the contract pricing issue wasnt remedied until September 2021, a whole five months later, and only after a class action lawsuit was filed against the company.

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How Much Does It Cost To Install A Roof

The cost of installing a roof ranges from $400 to $550 per square foot, depending on the size of the roof and the materials it is made of. Expect to spend between $1,500 and $3,000 to remove your existing roof before installing a new one. If you’re not sure if you need a new roof and want to budget first, hire a surveyor for about $200.

Can The Tesla Solar Roof Work With A Flat Roof

Unfortunately for homeowners with flat roofs, the Tesla Solar Roof will not be an option for you and your home. The minimum roof pitch eligible for a solar roof installation is 3:12 . This puts the Tesla solar roof at a disadvantage considering solar panels can work on all roof types. All it takes for solar panels to be effective on flat roofs is a tilted racking system.

Solar aside, tiling is not recommended for flat roofs due to leaking potential. This is a very real risk considering the wiring components located inside the solar tiles.

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Tesla Solar Roof Review: Is It Worth The Hype

Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced the companys solar roof shingles back in October 2016, causing a huge media stir.

However, it wasnt until April 2018 that the electric vehicle manufacturer began the rollout of their first installed solar roofs. Even then, very few were installed, making it hard to gauge if the Tesla solar roof was as revolutionary as the company claimed it would be.

Then in October 2019, Tesla released the Solar Roof V3, boasting it as their best solar roofing product yet. With a 25-year weatherization warranty and a Class 3 hail rating, the new Tesla solar roof is expected to be more durable than previous versions.

But, are Teslas solar shingles actually worth the hype theyve been getting in the media for the past four years?

Tesla Solar Roof Vs Hail

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The 25-year warranties meet the standard for most solar panels on the market. They are a little more durable than traditional solar panels when it comes to their hail and wind ratings.

Most solar panels are tested for their strength against one-inch hail. While this is considered severe hail and is rare in many places, Teslas is tested to withstand 1.75-inch hail.

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