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HomeFactsHow To Get Roofing Leads Without Door Knocking

How To Get Roofing Leads Without Door Knocking

Is Selling Roofs Hard

How to Get Roofing Leads Without Door Knocking

Selling roofing services can be extremely difficult and isnt for the faint of heart. Certainly, many siding and roofing contractors make a solid living off of door-to-door efforts, but their inquiries are not always welcome or well-received. It can make life a lot easier if your salespeople have a blend of outbound, and inbound inquiries If you do have leads to provide to your salespeople it can allow them to not burn out so quickly, and keep their energy high. You dont want them to only be dependent on leads the company gives, however, as a roofing contractor Im friends with says Theyll turn into lead babies.’ Provide leads, but make sure they hunt for themselves as well.

Strategic Allianceslowe’s Home Depot

A lot of roofers have created partnerships with the dominant suppliers in their market. Suppliers like Lowe’s and Home Depot have brand recognition that a lot of small roofing businesses have trouble competing with.

If you cant beat them join them!

There are a lot of roofing contractors that have formed partnerships with these companies and used them to serve their clients. I dont know what the terms are but if you can get a steady stream of leads using these partnerships than this will be great for your business.

What Is A Roofing Lead

A roofing lead is a person or company that has an interest in your services. Leads can be marketing qualified leads or sales qualified leads .

Knowing the difference between each is important as it helps you figure out what messaging and positioning you should be taking in the conversation to have the highest chance of converting your prospects from potential customers into paying customers.

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Invest In Google Ads To Get More Roofing Leads Online

Google ads work differently than other forms of roofing marketing. Whereas other marketing methods require the roofer to pay an upfront fee, irrespective of whether it works or not, roofers who use Ad words only pay a small fee when potential customers click on their ad.

This is what is known as Pay-Per-Click advertising. PPC is advantageous because it helps you target clients in a specific geographical location and demographics where your roofing services are needed most.

PPC tools make it easy to track your ad expenditure against the results you are getting. Ensure that you are giving your prospects bait like a free roof inspection or estimate to help them click on your ad.

Our tested and proven tricks and tips will help you make most out your Google Ads campaign:

Optimize Your Keywords

There could be hundreds or thousands of property owners searching for roof installation or replacement services in your neighborhood, therefore selecting the right keyword for your ad is crucial. To save your marketing dollars, make sure that you concentrate on keywords that have buying intentions behind them. Avoid using broad keywords but instead, focus on more specific keywords such as

  • âRoof fix.â
  • âResidential roof installation.â
  • âRoof leak repair.â

For instance, make the best use of your title/headline such as âProfessional Roof Installation in Tennesseeâ and a sub-header like âObtain a 24-hour roofing estimate.â

Optimize Your Budget

Test Your PPC campaign

Facebook & Instagram Advertising

Roofing Leads

For many businesses, Facebook and Instagram ads are a cost-effective way to earn leads. For roofers, it can work well but you have to have the right strategy in place to make an impact in your business.

Boostpoint is a new app from Equipter. Simply enter into Boostpoint the area or neighborhood where you want to do more business, like a development where you already have a roofing job scheduled.

Boostpoints algorithms then display your ad to the people in that neighborhood most likely to be your next customers. Since those homeowners are probably already seeing your trucks, crews, and signs on the scheduled roofing job, the digital ads make additional impressions so that when its time for the consumer to replace their roof, yours is the brand name they remember.

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Develop Your Websites Seo

Think back to the last dozen internet searches you made. How often did you go to page two of your search results? For most people, the answer is never. More than 40% of revenue comes from organic search results. Thats why your website must be easy for search engines to understand. This process is called Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. Many factors determine how a website ranks in search results. Here are a few factors that roofers should consider to optimize their websites:

  • Make sure your website loads quickly.
  • Optimize pages on your website for popular keywords related to your business.
  • Add authoritative content to your website.
  • Link your website to Google My Business.

Thrivethemes Is It Worth It

As I currently stated, I have actually made use of ThriveThemes for several years in my organization I have actually used it to develop sales funnels, sales web pages, sites, blogs You name it! As well as over the past few years, I came to the final thought that structure websites utilizing ThriveThemes is probably one of the simplest methods to build remarkable looking web sites.

Most significantly it is just one of the simplest means to build sites that are conversion driven.

Which is among the elements that divide ThriveThemes from any other web page contractor

ThriveThemes as well as their products are specifically conversion concentrated.

Implying that every one of their items were built not simply function, and develop gorgeous sites, but as a matter of fact to supply digital business owners, marketers, and also bloggers advertising devices that they require to drive conversions as well as eventually earnings for their business.

And thats why Im a substantial fan of Thrive Themes suite of products.

I would certainly be lying if I claimed that thrive themes is perfect

With that being said lets dive into

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Tip #: Revamp Your Roofing Website

Your roofing website is a powerful resource that will help property owners know about your services. It is a tremendous free lead generating machine at your disposal. Long before homeowners call you or fill the contract forms, the first visit your roofing website. They may peruse it for a few minutes to check if you specialize in the type of their roof.

An easy-to-read roofing website is vital in making an impact on property owners in your area.

Here are a few tweaks that you can implement to improve your roofing websites conversion rates:

  • Create informative pages describing your services and their benefits to homeowners.
  • Develop a visually-appealing roofing website, including quality photos, and easily read pages with prominent contact details.
  • Make your contact details form simple to fill out. It should contain as many text boxes as possible, and provide a benefit such as a free quote.

At BlackStorm roofing marketing, our lead generating system begins with creating an SEO-friendly, stunning roofing website designed to convert prospects/visitors into qualified leads. If you want to take your roofing business to the next level, schedule a free strategy session with our team to create an informative, mobile-friendly, and high converting roofing website that will help your business generate free leads online.

Network With Building Managers And Property Owners

Roofing Leads Without Door-knocking! (How To Guide)

Building managers and property owners are the decision-makers who will help you land big commercial roofing projects. There are many ways to network with these individuals. Get involved in trade organizations such as the Building Owners and Managers Association or the National Property Management Association . Or, try writing guest articles or placing ads in trade magazines such as Buildings Magazine or Facility Executive Magazine.

Writing guest content for these organizations and linking to your own site can also help with your SEO.

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Dear New Roof Salesman

Im Becca Switzer, the creator of Roof Sales Mastery: the #1 online sales training program for storm restoration roofing contractors and salesmen, and author of “Diamonds in the Sky: Introduction to Storm Restoration Sales.”

I got into the storm restoration sales industry in 2010, averaging $160K/month in sales working anywhere from just 4-8 months out of the year until 2014 when I launched Roof Sales Mastery, where over 1,000 contractors have invested over $4M in my sales training to transform their results by working smart instead of hard so they can enjoy the unique income opportunity this industry provides IF you know how to crack into it.

Im guessing right now youve either watched someone you know make a killing at roof sales or you have been/are currently being recruited by a contractor to come sell roofs for his company, but you have zero previous sales experience whatsoever, or maybe you have some sales experience but know nothing about insurance restoration, door to door sales, or roofs.

If your experience has been anything like mine when I entered the storm restoration sales industry as a complete n00b, you have received little to no training to speak of, and youre feeling dazed and confused. You probably showed up at the office, spent an hour or two with your manager as they hurriedly showed you some insurance paperwork and showed you how to fill out a contract.

Foolproof Tips For Generating Roofing Leads In 2020 And Beyond

For a roofing company, finding new customers is central to your business. When you get the job done right, the building you worked on wont need you again for years to come. After all, your customers come to you in the first place because they know you do a good job. However, every building has a roof, and roofs need regular repairs and replacements. How can you find those people and businesses looking for a new roof right now? A top-notch lead generation and marketing strategy is your answer.

There are a few things you should consider as you begin looking for new ways to generate leads. The first is that marketing is an investment. It requires a lot of time and money to pull off successful marketing. Second, marketing is an ongoing expense. You can easily pay for an ad campaign once and generate a decent pool of roofing leads. But once you lower your ad spend or stop dedicating as much time to your marketing efforts, those leads can start to dwindle.

Lead generation marketing takes a lot of time to get right, so consider how your team operates and if they have time to take on these responsibilities. Dataformas technology, built for contractors and roofing businesses like yours, can save you valuable time. With a business management solution like Dataforma, you can spend less time gaining and managing leads.

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Dont Skip These Crucial Concepts To Get More Roofing Leads:

If you came to this guide trying to buy roofing leads, or looking for some kind of quick fix please listen:

  • Outsourcing the entire strategy of your lead generation may lead to extreme pain.
  • Because many of these types of schemes, leave way too much power in the hands of the folks youve outsourced to, and in many cases either were scammy to begin with, or basically end up feeling like a scam.
  • Thats why OWNING your marketing, and all the assets to your marketing

2 Quick Examples of BAD DEALS in roofing lead generation

  • Example: your roofing lead provider owns the website for Your City + Roofing they say its too get quick results, but after 2 years of buying the leads from them, they take the show on the road, with WHAT YOU PAID THEM TO BUILD, left with nothing.
  • Example: Youre basically renting your website, its just $600 dollars a month, they build everything etc, but then when you try to discontinue the contract, you own nothing. The websites not yours, the content they wrote isnt yours, and all your left with is a blank domain, once the contract is up. Ouch!

Q: How Do I Promote My Roofing Company Online

10 Ways to Generate Roofing Leads Without Door Knocking In ...

A: You can promote your roofing business online with website design, SEO, content marketing, and Google My Business. The stronger your online grows, the more likely you are going to generate quality roofing leads consistently. Your roofing website should have a compelling and clear CTA that converts visitors to leads.

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Connect With Homeowners Using Video

Just as most roofers use in-person tactics to get leads, they also usually close deals in person. Its hard to connect with customers without using this personal touch, and many roofers find they close more deals when they can have a conversation. How can roofers make effective connections if they cant meet in person?

Luckily, just about everyone has the capability to make a video call these days. Using apps like Skype or FaceTime, you can connect with homeowners to talk about the work you want to do for them, iron out details about repairs, or negotiate services. Being able to have a face-to-face interaction, even if its not in-person, can make a big difference in communication. When you talk to customers and prospects via video apps, you can maintain some of the advantages of talking in person. When youre sending emails or making phone calls, let people know that youre available on video, too.

You could also record a video with a sales pitch or answering common questions you hear from homeowners, then share this video on social media. Its an innovative, unique way to connect with potential customers, and gives you the chance to reach people through the Internet.

Reviewing Owner Details & Contact Information

As a professional, you know that having as much information about the owner and the property you can get is vital to setting up a successful marketing campaign.

Additionally, weâve built in skip tracing to help you find and connect with property owners.

You can also click on the street view of the property in the top left corner for a closer view:

Plus, you can toggle from the Street Map View to the Aerial Map View where you can zoom in and get a closer look at the roof if you need to, as shown below:

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Pounding The Pavement Knocking Doors Canvassing

Opportunity 5/5 | Expensive 2/5 | Quickness 5/5 | How long to wear off 1/5

Many roofing business owners got their start pounding the pavement they recognized that although uncomfortable sometimes, there is insane amounts of opportunity just getting out and having conversations with people that have been affected by storms. Once you get the rush of selling someone face to face, and realize that the money is literally falling from the sky you may get addicted to it. The only harsh reality here is that there isnt always a storm so that means the general need for roofing services is usually spread more far and wide then just canvassing a specific city.

Door knocking is a massive an undeniable opportunity in the arsenal of roofing companies to get more leads , but it most definitely should not be the only one.

Ways To Get More Roofing Leads

Make Sales Without Door Knocking By Using This “Under the Radar” Sales Letter

Tim AbsalikovFounder and Acting CEO at Lasting Trend

How do you go about getting new roofing leads? Are you still relying on word-of-mouth, counting on your existing clients to bring you new ones?

Referrals alone dont bring in much business in todays fast-paced technology climate. If you dont have a presence on the web, you could be losing half your potential clients to competitors who post roofing ads and market their business online.

There are two distinct approaches to modern marketing offline and online. The best way to market today is to ensure your offline approach is working in conjunction with your online marketing efforts.

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Leads Are More Expensive Than You Realize

Canvassers, telemarketers, radio, print, television and direct mail all cost real money and theres no guarantee theyll even generate a single lead.

Back in 1996, I left the roofing company I started with and went to work for a man who generated leads using radio advertising. He was a major advertiser for several stations and sponsored their special events and radio personalities. As a result of his massive advertising budget, I was able to get several fresh leads a day. He did the same thing for 5-6 of his other salesmen too.

Sounds like a dream come true for a roofing salesman, right?

Honestly, it wasnt bad at first.

I was making sales every week, but it wasnt enough to get ahead and I certainly wasnt having the big paydays like I did with my first roofing company.

So, what was the problem? With the benefit of hindsight, I can see that there were quite a few problems with getting leads fed to me daily.

  • I got lazy. Too lazy to even knock the doors around my lead. When you know theres another free lead coming, it is hard to motivate yourself to knock.
  • I got busy. I ran leads from all over Dallas and Fort Worth. I was spending more time in my truck driving to the next lead than I was spending selling.
  • I got junk leads. It is hard to make a living spending half a day driving to a lead that just needs a new pipe jack or some skylight flashing.
  • The One Funnel Away Challenge Explained

    If you do not know now, the man behind the Clickfunnels as well as The one Funnel Away Challenge is the man called Russell Brunson.

    Hes the man who is stressed with electronic marketing and also thats dedicated his whole life to this craft.

    Russels handled to bootstrap his service from square one and also led them to over $100 million in revenue, and also hes done every one of this without taking on venture capital or any kind of shortcuts for that issue.

    As well as truthfully, thats actually simply the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his success, but I simply intended to offer you a quick introduction so you would understand that the individual training all of this business things is someone thats been there, done that, and also got the Tees.

    With that being stated

    The One Funnel Away Challenge is a 30-day challenge where you get detailed step-by-step training to aid you release your sales channel completely from scratch even if you do not have the least hint what youre going to sell.

    And also at the same time, its an impressive introduction to the entire concept of sales funnels.

    Have you ever before came across Challenging Mudder?

    Its a crazy race course thats developed to check your capacity to sustain some insane things like a plunge into an ice bathroom, electrical shocks, climbing up greased skate ramps, as well as a lot of various other obstacles not the least of which is a range run.

    Sound fun, huh?

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