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How To Keep Raccoons Off My Roof

Contact Urban Jungle Wildlife Removal To Remove Raccoons From Your Home

How Do Raccoons Get On Roofs?

Overall, there are ways to remove raccoons on your own, but the risks involved might make the situation worse than it was before. Urban Jungle is a wildlife removal company that can take the weight off your shoulders with our trapping, repair and cleanup services. Our local animal locating and trapping specialists get the job done!

Not only do we work quickly and efficiently to remove wildlife from your home, but we also offer exclusion services to ensure the raccoons do not return and give you more peace of mind knowing that they are not coming back. Contact us today!

How To Get Rid Of Raccoons In The Attic

  • Is there walking on your roof at night?
  • Do you hear banging or something playing in your attic?
  • Do you hear chirping from your attic?
  • Notice raccoons in your yard?

If so, you might have raccoons in the attic. The single best cure-all solution to remove raccoons from your attic is to use Raccoon Eviction Fluid. Its a lesser hassle, and more humane, to apply raccoon eviction fluid rather than buying your own trap to set and relocate or euthanizing the raccoons. While raccoons are considered as usually solitary, a female raccoon will den with her kits until theyre ready to be on their own in the fall . So, when trapping a raccoon from your attic, expect a litter of babies to be left behind, or be ready to trap 3 or more raccoons. There are more facts to be said about using raccoon eviction fluid.

Some facts to consider:

Under Control Whew The Raccoons Are Gone

Hallelujah! Now, make sure you dont forget all those good, healthy, raccoon-unfriendly habits you developed while you were getting them out. Raccoons move around, and youd hate to expel one, just to end up accidentally inviting a new fellow in. Remember: raccoons are opportunists. As long as your house isnt the most inviting one on the block, your raccoon problems are likely behind you.

Of course if youre still having problems and those raccoons just wont go away, youre going to have to contact a professional raccoon control company.

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How To Tell Youve Got A Raccoon Problem

Raccoons are nocturnal, meaning theyre only active at night. As a result, their presence can be difficult to detect.

The best way to tell that you have a raccoon problem is to pay attention to the clues they leave behind.

Here are a few things we recommend keeping an eye out for:

  • Evidence of raccoons feeding. Raccoons are messy, ravenous eaters, and they leave a trail behind after mealtime. Common signs of raccoon feeding include knocked over trash cans, damage to your lawn or garden, empty, spilled, or moved pet food bowl, disturbed compost piles, and empty or broken bird feeders, among others.
  • Tracks. The tracks of raccoons and possums look similar. Raccoons walk flat-footed, like humans do, and have claws on all their toes. The differentiating factor is that raccoon tracks move in a diagonal track pattern like deer do. Their tracks have a longer heel on the rear foot and tend to be 2-3 wide on the front feet, and 3-4 long on the rear feet.
  • Droppings. Racoon droppings are cylindrical with broken or rounded ends. They tend to be dark in color, although the color varies depending on the animals diet. The scat typically contains berry seeds and may contain signs of trash.
  • Strange sounds. You may notice strange sounds around your property at night. Raccoons make noises that include mewing, whistling, and growling.

Regardless of what raccoon signs you notice, dealing with the issue promptly is critical.

How Do Pest Management Experts Get Rid Of Raccoons

Suburban Raccoons Raccoon Scat Archives

Sometimes, getting rid of raccoons is a job only a wildlife control professional can do. Heres how our team can help:

  • Initial Assessment. First, well begin by assessing your problem areas. Our experienced pest control technicians will inspect your property to determine how raccoons are getting in, and what damage theyre causing. Well pinpoint their entry spaces and make a plan to resolve them.
  • Trapping. While were serious about getting rid of your raccoon problem, we always take the humane approach. To remove raccoons without harming or killing them, well set safe, live traps to catch the raccoons. We monitor and check these traps daily and will relocate the raccoons once weve captured them.
  • Exclusion Methods. Finally, well prevent future raccoon infestations by installing exclusionary barriers to keep raccoons from coming back. We use commercial-grade exclusion methods that hold up to the test of time and wont negatively impact your property.
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    Look For All The Raccoons In Your Attic

    The main reason a raccoon may have made your attic his new den is because the female is about to give birth. Raccoons need a safe, warm and dry place to raise the new pups, and your attic makes a perfect habitat. This commonly happens from February to May, when you are more likely to experience raccoon activity.

    This is an important fact that leads to further considerations. If you only remove the mother, the pups will be left behind, and they will starve to death. This is no doubt a cruel way to get rid of raccoons. Plus, the dead bodies left in your attic will produce such an unbelievably foul smell in your house that you will wish the raccoons were still alive.

    Your primary concern, therefore, is to discover if there are pups in the attic. Finding the litter is a daunting job. The mother usually stashes them in the eaves, down a wall or in other inaccessible places. To locate them requires patience, endurance and a measure of physical strength. You have to get into the attic, make your way through raccoon droppings and crawl around to inspect every hidden spot.

    Youre not exactly looking forward to that, right? It may take hours. Even so, your hunt may be unsuccessful. In this case, remain still until the little pups finally start to chatter and lead you to the litter. How long it will take just depends on how lucky you are.

    Once youve located the litter, you are now ready to move on to the next step.

    What A Wildlife Professional Can Do

    There are people out there that do wildlife damage control for a living, including:

    • Inspect homes for signs of damage.
    • Trap and removing nuisance animals.
    • Repair damage to your home.
    • Answer questions about wildlife biology.
    • Clean and deodorize your home.

    While animal control may sound like it would get old over time, it never does. Wildlife can always find a way to surprise a person.

    After removing the raccoon kit, Dotson discovered that to his surprise the adult female raccoon had gotten stuck in the wall, too. A raccoon kit is easy enough to remove, but a growling, snapping adult raccoon was a whole different story. Fortunately, he was able to grasp the raccoon with his animal gloves, and put it in a cage, keeping his fingers intact!

    Wildlife removal can be tricky business. Thats why its important to take preventative measures to keep wildlife outside the home. Keep yourself and the wildlife safe by taking the preventative measures above.

    If all else fails, there are many wildlife professionals available, such as those with A All Animal Control, that can help you. This is where those damage clues come in handy. The more details that you can give to wildlife professionals, the better prepared they will be for the task at hand, and save you money on return trips.

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    Raccoons Are A Pest You Want To Deter And Get Rid Of

    When you find a raccoon on your property or in your home you can bet that they have found something they need. From food and water to a place to have babies, they rarely stick around if they dont find things that serve a purpose. Removing these helpful items will help encourage them to leave your property. There are also many things you can do to try to deter them from getting comfortable so get to it!

    What To Do If Raccoons Are On The Roof

    How to Prevent Raccoons From Using a Roof as Their Restroom

    If the raccoon can get into your attic, which is why theyre on the roof, all you have to do now is close the opening theyre climbing into, and the problem should go away. If you have access to your attic, ensure sure there is no light coming in that may indicate a method for them to locate a sanctuary.

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    Why Are There Raccoons On My Roof

    This might seem like a funny question, but if you live somewhere that raccoons are getting close to the residential areas, it is not. Raccoons are going to arrive in short order if there is a reason and the biggest reason is food. That does not mean that they are looking for food on your roof, but your roof might have been the easiest way out of a tree that is nearby. With the different styles of roofs on homes these days, there could even be a place for the raccoon to live on your roof. All they need is cover from the sun and elements and they are set. You might find one curled up under the eave, or even trying to find its way into the attic through a vent in the roof.

    Both of these scenarios are not good, but if you find yourself in one of them, there are ways to capture the raccoon and hopefully put a stop to them being on your roof. Getting into your attic might not be easy, but even the largest raccoon can slip through the smallest hole, so make sure you are checking your roof areas each year for places they can get into. Even if you do have a single tree near your roof, raccoons are excellent climbers and can get to just about anywhere they want to go. They can climb up the corner of your home, or even up your downspout, but the odds are they will take the easiest route and that could be as simple as a tree. Keep an eye on them if you can, slowly remove the ways they can get on the roof and the problem should fix itself.


    Bag Your Trash In Raccoon

    If raccoons are still getting into your trash, despite your best efforts, consider buying some rodent-repelling trash bags.

    These bags are made with strong-smelling essential oils, like camphor and mint, which repel raccoons.

    The aroma will keep them away from your trash bins without harming the raccoons or your kids or pets.

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    How To Stop Raccoons Pooping On My Shed Roof

    The shed roof is not so bad. Its frustrating and it smells terrible and it means you cant use your lovely new shed and all the gardening tools stored inside. Now, this can be caused by two general situations. If you are finding feces on the roof of the shed, and it is from a raccoon then you may have a raccoon family living in your shed. You should check the shed for possible entrance ways but they may have just gotten in through the door. If they got in through a hole, new or old, then they can climb out at night and hunt for food and defecate on the roof of the shed to keep the feces away from the nest. Alternatively, you could have a raccoon living on someone elses property, possibly in their attic. The raccoon wants to keep its feces far away from its nest and your property being very close by makes it an easy answer. The raccoon will live on one property and defecate on your property.

    If you are dealing with raccoons, the likelihood that they leave behind feces is very high. They can transfer diseases and viruses that can be damaging to your health. Contact a professional raccoon feces cleaning and removal service.

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    How To Keep Raccoons From Climbing Downspouts

    How To Scare Raccoons Off Roof

    To keep raccoons from using your downspouts to reach your roof and attic, make your downspouts impossible to climb. You can glue anti-bird spikes to the downspout to prevent climbing, add a metal baffle, or even apply grease to the downspout. Its also essential to inspect your roof and attic if you notice raccoons climbing your downspout. Raccoons may have found access and made a home in your attic. To keep raccoons away, trim back tree branches that overhang your roof, remove all raccoon food sources from the yard, and humanely trap any raccoons that have invaded your property.

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    Will Vinegar Keep Raccoons Away

    There is no scientific evidence that vinegar will keep raccoons away. However, it can be used as a deterrent to scare them away from your property.

    Raccoons are notorious for their nuisance behavior, and they have been known to cause problems in many residential areas. They can enter through openings such as doors, windows, or chimneys and make themselves at home on your property by searching for food and water. If they find any food source on your property, they may eat it all up and leave nothing for you or your family to enjoy.

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    How To Prevent Raccoons

    Raccoons take up residence in an area because there is a dependable source of food nearby, access to water, and a sheltered place to den that is warm and protected from predators. The last is a primary concern of female raccoons with kits or about to give birth. Male raccoons or raccoons out of breeding season are more likely to roam.

    Because female raccoons will often stay near the area they were born, preventative measures need to be extensive in order to be effective. A moderate effort will not deter a raccoon who is already familiar with your property and the surrounding ones. In a big city, raccoons will rarely be deterred from an area because there are almost always food sources nearby. Even in more rural areas, raccoons will likely come back unless changes are made. Ideally, raccoons need to be physically prevented from entering or your yard needs to be undesirable so that they are made to go elsewhere to seek out food and shelter.

    The more comprehensive your efforts towards raccoon control, the less likely you will see raccoons. For maximum protection, focus on these steps:

    DIY raccoon exclusion may not keep raccoons out of your yard indefinitely. Habitat management will effectively make your property less appealing, but a desperate raccoon may still enter. As they are generally not a concern as long as they dont come inside and you or a pet doesnt confront them, managing the raccoon population is typically enough to ensure your safety.

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    # : Using Ammonia To Keep Squirrels Off Your Roof

    Description of method: This is another very popular method that has been used for years. You just have to take a spray bottle and fill it halfway with water, then add two capfuls of ammonia.

    Once you are ready to go outside, spray the mixture around your roof so when the squirrels come in contact with it they will feel uncomfortable and wont want to come back.

    Signs Of Raccoons Living On Your Property

    How to Evict Your Raccoon Roommates | National Geographic

    These are some of the common signs of raccoons either living somewhere on your property or making a habit of scavenging around your property for food:

    • Trash from garbage bins strewn around your driveway or yard.
    • Garbage or recycling bins with bite or scratch marks around the lids.
    • Garden beds with homegrown fruits and vegetables that are damaged and eaten shortly before harvest.
    • Raccoon tracks around your yard or other areas of your property. The shape of their prints is similar to that of a small human hand, just two to three inches long, with sharp, pointed claws at the tips of each finger.
    • Holes in your lawn or portions of grass that have been torn or dug up .
    • Scratching or bumping sounds coming from inside the walls, ceiling or some other area of your home, attic or garage this could indicate the presence of raccoons or some other rodent or wild animal that has built a den.

    Whether youre experiencing signs of a raccoon outside of your home or within your walls, its crucial to take action as quickly as possible, as they are a liability to your home and your health.

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    S To Keep Raccoons From Climbing Your Downspouts

    Raccoons climbing your downspouts often leave a trail of dirty paw prints that are easy to spot on white aluminum. Not only are these animals making a mess of your home, but its also very likely they are looking for a way to break in and make a den in your attic. To thwart these pests without harming or killing them, use these methods:

    How Do Wildlife Removal Experts Get Rid Of Raccoons

    Sometimes, getting rid of raccoons is a job only a wildlife control professional can do. Heres how our team can help:

  • Initial Assessment. First, well begin by assessing your problem areas. Our experienced pest control technicians will inspect your property to determine how raccoons are getting in, and what damage theyre causing. Well pinpoint their entry spaces and make a plan to resolve them.
  • Trapping. While were serious about getting rid of your raccoon problem, we always take the humane approach. To remove raccoons without harming or killing them, well set safe, live traps to catch the raccoons. We monitor and check these traps daily and will relocate the raccoons once weve captured them.
  • Exclusion Methods. Finally, well prevent future raccoon infestations by installing exclusionary barriers to keep raccoons from coming back. We use commercial-grade exclusion methods that hold up to the test of time and wont negatively impact your property.
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