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HomeHouseHow To Remove A Roof From A House

How To Remove A Roof From A House

How To Raise A Roof In Your Home

How To Remove Shingles

The first step to raise your roof is to determine whether or not it is actually possible.

If you have an attic, then there is a high probability you can raise the ceiling in the room beneath it.

If you dont have an attic, check the plans to your home to find out about your roofspecifically your roof structure. Generally, there are two types of roof structures: stick and truss. Truss roofs are the ones that are easier raised. You can still raise stick roofs, but it will most likely require you to tear down the existing roof and rebuild the structure.

A few factors could make raising your roof impossible, or incredibly costly. These include:

  • Your roofs framing
  • How your current electrical wiring is installed
  • HVAC ductwork and plumbing that blocks the area
  • Chimneys attached to the portion of the roof you want raised

These are the main things to first think about before calling a contractor to estimate a cost for raising your roof.

Tearing Off A Roof Is Something That Many Homeowners Could Do On Their Own To Save Money On Hiring A Salem Roofing Contractor For A Roof Replacement

We never recommend shingle overs, or putting a new layer of roofing material over an existing layer. Its not a sustainable or cost effective roofing solution. However, we also realize that a full roof replacement, with tear off included, can be a costlier option. With that in mind, some homeowners are happy to tear off their own roof, and leave their Salem roofing contractors in charge of re-roofing. Here are the steps you will want to take if you plan to tear off your own roof:

Va Minimum Property Requirements: Whats Important And Whats Not

Before exploring the extensive list of VA MPRs, lets consider what the Department of Veterans Affairs has to say about its requirements.

VA appraisers should take the general condition of the home into account when determining its appraised value. But an appraiser shouldnt block a home purchase solely because of minor details, such as poor decoration or an overdue servicing of the furnace. The VAs guidelines say:

The appraiser should not recommend repairs of cosmetic items, items involving minor deferred maintenance or normal wear and tear, or items that are inconsequential in relation to the overall condition of the property. While minor repairs should not be recommended, the appraiser should consider these items in the overall condition rating when estimating the market value of the property.

The overarching objective of MPRs is to make sure the home buyer is getting a property that is safe, structurally sound and sanitary.

But, the VA says, The scope of MPRs also includes issues related to the propertys location and legal considerations.

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Palestinians Facing Eviction By Israel Vow To Stay On Land

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JINBA, West Bank Everything here is makeshift, a result of decades of uncertainty. Homes are made from tin and plastic sheets, water is trucked in and power is obtained from batteries or a few solar panels.

The lives of thousands of Palestinians in a cluster of Bedouin communities in the southern West Bank have been on hold for more than four decades, ever since the land they cultivated and lived on was declared a military firing and training zone by Israel.

Since that decision in early 1981, residents of the Masafer Yatta region have weathered demolitions, property seizures, restrictions, disruptions of food and water supplies as well as the lingering threat of expulsion.

That threat grew significantly this week after Israels Supreme Court upheld a long-standing expulsion order against eight of the 12 Palestinian hamlets forming Masafer Yatta potentially leaving at least 1,000 people homeless.

On Friday, some residents said they are determined to stay on the land.

The Palestinians say that if implemented, the ruling opens the way for the eviction of all the 12 communities that have a population of 4,000 people, mostly Bedouins who rely on animal herding and a traditional form of desert agriculture.

Water Gas Electricity And Other Utilities


Each home must have an electricity supply sufficient to provide lighting and run necessary equipment. If your appraiser notices any exposed, frayed or otherwise dangerous wiring, that will have to be fixed before your loan can be approved.

VA minimum property requirements are concerned that your access to all your utilities cant be challenged. So if your electricity, water, gas or sewer lines run over other peoples land or apartments, the VA wants to know that those people cant suddenly choose to interrupt your services. This means youll need easements that guarantee your continuing access. They must also allow contractors to get to utility lines to maintain and repair them.

All this is pretty standard stuff. And, if they need them, the vast majority of homes already have such easements in place.

One last thing: If you are buying one of those multi-unit dwellings, each unit must have its own service shut-offs.

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Diy Roof Replacement Vs Hiring A Roofer

For homeowners looking at replacing their roof instead of hiring a professional, an asphalt roof will cost $3,000 less to $6,000 less . However, while small roof repairs are cheap and relatively easy to carry out by the homeowner, as long as safety precautions are taken, roofing a home is better done by professional roofers. The downsides of completing the work as a DIY project are:

  • In removing the original roof, you may cause issues that will lead to leaks.
  • Once the old roof is off, you could miss structural issues or things that will contribute to more leaks.
  • You might not create a perfect weather seal to protect your home from the rain when installing the new roof.
  • You could introduce issues that translate to increased utility costs from heating or cooling.
  • You could fall from your roof.
  • You could negatively impact the resale value of your home.

Your roof is the single biggest surface barrier between you and the elements. Given the importance of the roof, and the potential for significant problems, we suggest looking for bids from the roofing professionals we have on HomeGuide before making a final decision to do the work yourself.

Get free estimates on HomeGuide from trusted roofing companies:

When Are Shingles Worn Out

The most obvious sign that your roof needs to be replaced is a leak. Since you don’t want to wait until that happens, inspect the shingles every year. Most asphalt shingles have a life span of 20 to 25 years, although they can wear out and need to be replaced in as few as 15 years, especially on the south side of the house.

Signs that shingles are failing include cupping along the edges and extensive cracking. In severe cases, the shingles will completely deteriorate. Buckling shingles are an indication that moisture is getting underneath them. If large sections of shingles are coming loose and falling off, it’s time for a new roof.

Shingles typically show signs of wear along the edges first. Rounded or curled corners are early warnings that the roof is ready or nearly ready for new shingles.

Also Check: How Much For Shingle Roof

Roof Removal: How To Quickly Remove Roofing Shingles For Replacement

Did you know people sometimes install new roof shingles on top of the old ones? Thats a big no-no and a quick way to ruin your new roof.

Tearing off your old roofing shingles to replace them with new ones is a daunting but necessary task. It can be an unpleasant and dangerous job, but if you follow these simple steps, youll quickly tear off your old roofing shingles for replacement.

Start At The Peak And Tear Off The First Shingles

Best Way to Tear Off an Old Roof

Youll want to start your tear off at the peak of the roof. Youll work down the line of the peak, then go row by row from there. Just dont try to do too much at once, or you may find yourself in over your head with too much debris on the roof, creating hazards and risk damaging the underlayment below the shingles.

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Best Method To Remove Roof Trusses Everything

Im prepping to add a second story to my house and wonder if theres a best way to remove the old roof. Ive seen guys remove shingles, then sheathing then rafters but Ive also seen it done where strips are cut out whole, leaving just a few rafters holding up the ridge until the end when they too are removed

Any opinions on which is best, is there a better way I havent considered?

  • |#1

    I helped with a 2nd story addition once.

    We took off the roof in 8′ sections. Built 8′ of new wall at a time. Once the walls were up we framed a new roof, put plywood on, and blacked it in.

    The old ceiling joists were latge enough to use as floor joists in this case, which made it much easier. The inside of the house never took on any water, as best as I can recall.

    Unless you’re in a huge rush or working with a large crew I wouldn’t try to get too creative tearing off the old roof. Keep it simple, and tear it off a piece at a time.

  • Home Inspections And Waivers

    If you have concerns about aspects of the structure, whether mentioned in the appraisal report or not, you should probably arrange a home inspection.

    And, if you request a waiver on any repairs listed in your appraisal report, you stand a better chance of making your case if you include an inspection report.

    Finally, most VA minimum property requirements protect you every bit as much as they do the department. Try to view them that way rather than as bureaucratic nitpicking. You may be glad you did.

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    Cost To Install Flashing On Roof

    If leaks are occurring around your chimney or skylights because of age or physical damage, the cost to install flashing on your roof ranges between $200 to $500 for each chimney or skylight. In the case of a roof being replaced, depending on the age and the condition of the original flashing, the roofer will either replace the flashing completely or reuse the original metal.

    Cost Of Adding Structural Support For A Second/upper Floor

    Powered Roof Shingle Removal Tool

    Many homes, especially those built in the last few decades, can support an upper-story addition without significant structural changes. However, some homes do require strengthening before building the addition can begin. These two support items are if needed. The structural engineer or architect will make the determination, and your local building department will have to approve your plans:

    • $5-$10 per square foot | Adding foundation supports to the home. These might include expanding the entire foundation or adding support piers at strategic weight-bearing locations. Another or additional option might be to add support beams and posts in the basement that will allow the homes weight to be increased.
    • $1.00-$2.25 per square foot | Adding joists to the existing ceiling to support the new upper floor plus the roof.

    Recommended Reading: How Often Should A Roof Be Replaced

    Roof Tear Off & Disposal

    Tearing off of your old shingles and disposal will be included in our roof replacement estimate. We will load all of the old shingles into a dumping trailer for proper disposal. We also go over your gutters and your lawn/garden with large magnets that will collect any dropped roofing nails that were pulled out with the old shingles. Cleanliness and safety are two of our top priorities. Once your old shingles are off we’ll be able to do an inspection of your roof decking , looking for any signs of rot. We can replace rotten roof decking prior to the installation of a new water barrier and shingles.

    Three: Plan For Debris And Removal Of The Old Shingles By Positioning Your Trash Can Nearby You Will Also Need To Cover The Ground Beneath The Eaves With Tarps To Catch Stray Shingles

    Just as the disclaimer says at the beginning of this article, use caution when working on sloped roofs. If you have any concerns about working on a roof, hire a trained professional who knows and follows all the required safety regulations.

    One of the key safety practices in tearing shingles off a roof is avoiding all the debris that will be generated. All that scrap ends up making the roof surface even more difficult to move across. And the old shingles may not lift off without a fight so, be careful when prying and lifting that the shingles dont suddenly release, which can send you flying.

    To help keep the roof site as safe as practical, position your trash bin in a readily accessible location, so the old shingles can just slide into the bin. Contact your local waste management company to book your trash bin ahead of time.

    When you rip the old shingles off your roof, they are not likely to come off like a clean and neat old carpet, but in various sized patches. There will be bits of broken shingles everywhere and try as you might to get every bit into that trash bin, some scraps are likely to slip and slide off in different directions. And if its a wee bit windy, those bits can fly further.

    So, as a precaution, its a good idea to cover the ground around the house beneath the eaves with tarps or sheets of plywood. This will help protect scuff marks and prevent damage to your homes walls and to your gardens and landscaping, and will make cleanup go much faster.

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    Ice/snow On Roof Damages & Dangers

    Snow should be removed from a roof only when itâs heavier than the roof can normally support. Most current roofs can support as much as 40 pounds of snow or ice per square foot.

    Older roofs may be compromised and will thus support less weight. As such, only attempt to remove snow on the roof when thereâs a significant amount of snow or ice on it.

    Local Housing And Planning Authority Code Enforcement

    How to Remove Roof Shingles – Coach-Style House in Chicago, IL – Bob Vila eps.305

    Some areas enforce their local code requirements whenever a home is sold. If the place you want to buy is in such an area, your appraiser will pay special attention to the propertys compliance with the code.

    Suppose the appraiser spots any improvements that are not up to code. They must note those failures. And they will make an allowance in the appraisal for the repairs necessary to remove them or make them compliant.

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    How To Safely Remove Snow From Roof +prevention Tips

    Snow may look pretty on your roof but is only safe to a certain thickness and weight. If you live in a snow-prone region, you know the destructive effects it comes with it can lead to roof leakages that may eventually collapse your entire house.

    There are various methods to remove snow from your roof you can use a rope, wire, an avalanche system, rake, shovel, DIY tools or simply melt the ice with a steamer. The method will depend on how much snow there is on the roof, and what type of snow it is. Following are the steps to get rid of the rice from the top of your house, plus tips, precautions and prevention measures.

    In our experience, only attempt to remove snow from the roof of a house without a story building or one with a single story. Thereâs a major risk with higher floors as falls and injuries are common with roof activities. in such a case, simply call for an expert to do the job.

    Costs Of Planning And Permits For A Raising A Roof

    The new structure must be built properly to retain stability. This will include adding full-height studs to the wall and/or sheathing the exterior with plywood or OSB that bridges the existing wall and the new wall. This eliminates what structural engineers cause a hinge in the structure, a place where the lower wall and upper wall meet with nothing to tie them together.

    • $250-$500 | Consulting a structural engineer or architect to design the new wall system to maintain its strength
    • $85-$500+ | Having a site plan made to submit to your local building or development department or to your homeowners association to get permission or a building permit for the project. The site plan shows how your home will be modified.

    Did you know? Well-devised site plans are an integral part of any building and construction permit application process. You can get a professional site plan drafted by Use the following code: 24hplans-20off to get a 20% discount off any package. Note, the above 20% discount code is exclusive to the readers of this blog. Its not being promoted, mentioned, or advertised anywhere else.

    • $450-$1,000 | Youll need a building permit. The cost of the permit will be determined by what it covers, with construction and electrical being the most common when simply raising the height of the walls/roof.

    Cost of Removing the Roof

    Truss-framed roofs can often be separated and lifted off the home to be reinstalled after the upper floor addition is built.

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    Remove Snow From Roof With Rope

    The use of a rope to remove snow off your roof is among the easiest and cheapest as the tools are always available in the home. Chances are high that you have a rope in the house which can be put to this use.

    You can remove snow off the roof with this method in the following steps:

    • If it is a pile that is not too wide, simply throw the midsection of a rope over a pile of snow on the roof while keeping hold of the ends of the rope.
    • If it is a wide pile on taller roof, tie one end of the rope with some weight, use a ladder to get on the roof, while holding onto the end without weight toss the weighted end to the ground, wrap the rope around the edge of the piled snow then climb down.
    • Move back while holding unto both ends of the rope to pull off that pile of snow from the roof. Some can also pull from the other side if the pile is wide.
    • Repeat until youâre sure the isnât any excess snow on the roof.

    Depending on the length of the rope you will use, this method gives you a chance to move away from danger as the snow falls. Even better is the fact that this method doesnât require much skill and can thus be undertaken by anyone especially if your roof is reachable from the ground

    The disadvantage is that you cannot use it on an extremely tall roof. It may be risky especially if you have to climb on the roof. It is also not the best for flat roofs.


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