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How To Get Rid Of A Roof Rat

Removing Rats In The Attic

How To Get Rid Of Rats Forever and Protect Your House From Roof Rats coming back.

When trying to determine how to get rids of rats in the attic, its important to understand why they are there in the first place.

The rats that are scurrying around your attic right now are likely roof rats. This type of rat is a natural climber and prefers to nest in trees and attics. Attics provide these rats with warmth, protection from predators, and water.

Like many animals, rats will go to extreme lengths to get to safety. Once rats find an entryway into your home, theyll chew through wires, ducts, and insulation until they find refuge in your attic.

Now safe in your attic, the rats will now grow, mate, and poop . The average rat will poop approximately 40-50 small round pellets per day, emitting a foul smell throughout your home over time.

The rats in the attic will also begin to destroy any personal property you have stored up there, along with any wiring and piping that may run through the attic. While small, rats teeth never stop growing, giving them the ability to chew and gnaw their way through wires, plastic, wood, lead, and other tough materials.

If you dont take action soon, theres a risk that the rats may do significant damage to your homes infrastructure, resulting in costly repairs and even more frustration.

Roof Rats And How To Get Rid Of These Pesky Pests

Perhaps you’ve heard the scratching coming from the ceiling. Maybe you’ve noticed some damage to the upper levels of your home. Or you’ve even started seeing some weird droppings in the attic.

If those things sound familiar to you, then you’re dealing with a common problem for many homeowners – roof rats. In Georgia, one species of rat has found safe harbor in the high and often unreachable parts of homes.

In a recent study, the Atlanta region ranked No. 13 in the country for rodent infestations, as the Southeast climate proves fertile for rats to thrive. With the housing boom in the area, there are now tons of potential locations for roof rats to hide and breed.

Roof rats have developed into a major pest for homeowners in the area. They love to escape the cold by hiding out in homes in the winter. In the spring, attics are a great place for them to store food. Taking steps to ensure your home is sealed can prevent damage to your roof and ductwork.

Find out more about these annoying rodents in Georgia and how to prevent them from invading your home.

Are Rats A Health Concern

Rats can carry or transmit serious disease to people, pets and livestock through biting, physical contact or contamination. Rats can also bring fleas and ticks into your home, facilities or business. This makes them a serious health hazard, especially to humans. In addition to causing food poisoning, some diseases that they can transmit include:

  • Rat-Bite Fever

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How To Get Rid Of Roof Rats Naturally

The effective way to remove roof rats is to use a chemical to eliminate them. However, you can get rid of them naturally through the following:

  • Let your dog or cat chase the rats away.
  • Use humane traps in catching rats and release them a few meters away from your house.
  • Place mothballs or cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil near entry points.
  • Keep your home and yard always clean.
  • Eliminate their hiding places by reducing any clutter.
  • Keep grains and pet food in sealed containers.
  • Remove any potential food sources and nesting areas.
  • Trim down bushes and trees.
  • Seal any small cracks and crevices.
  • Remove pet food in the yard.
  • Get rid of bird feeders.
  • Place your garden far away from your house.
  • Plant lavender and mint in areas where rats frequently stay.
  • Spray peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil in your yard.
  • Install an electronic rat repeller.
  • Rat-proof your pipes by painting them with smooth, high-gloss paint to prevent them from scaling on your drainpipe.
  • Paint your house with high-gloss paint to prevent them from climbing on walls.
  • Keep your compost pit far away from your property.

Are Roof Rats Dangerous

How to Identify and Eliminate Roof Rats

The urine and droppings from roof rats can pass diseases. Saliva from roof rats can also pass bacteria via touching places where they have gnawed. Fleas that bite rats can also transmit diseases like bubonic plague.

Roof rats can also chew electrical wire in your home or in your car, which can cause fires or short circuits.

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Ways To Get Rid Of Rats

Killing and trapping rats are much like controlling mice but on a larger scale. Traps are commonly used and are generally effective if you don’t just set and forget them. Because they are designed to kill and/or capture the pest, rat traps must be regularly inspected, as a dead or dying rat or a food bait can attract secondary insects and cause an infestation. Rat traps should be set where rat signs are seen and in out-of-the-way, hidden areas, especially in attics or basements and near food sources. Rat traps are much larger and more dangerous than mousetraps. Always take care to keep traps away from potential triggering by children or pets.

Most Common Types Of Rats In North America

When it comes to rat infestations in America, there are three species that are the most common. The two most common species are Old World rats that came to America as stowaways on ships. Roof Rats have largely stayed near the places where they arrived and are most common in seaports, coastal cities, and the American South, where they spread with cargo boats traveling the river network.

Norway Rats are the most common species throughout the United States and are particularly widespread in urban areas. You can find them just about anywhere, and the wide footprint of this species means that infestations overlap with other Old World rats as well as new world species.

The third major rat species in America is the Pack Rat, a New World species that adapted to life in the deserts of the Southwest. While they dont follow human settlement in the way Old World rats do, expanding urbanization in Nevada, Arizona, and other states in this area has made Pack Rat infestations more common.

Norway Rats

Rattus Norvegicus have brown fur and a long tail. While the scientific name of this species calls back to their common name, they actually arent from Norway. Where did Norway rats come from, then? Its likely that Norway rats actually originated in China, home of some of the oldest large cities in civilization. After flourishing in these cities, they spread to the corners of the earth.

Roof Rats

Pack Rats

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S To Kill Roof Rats In Attic

Now that youve known how harmful the roof rats can be for you, your family and your house you are searching the ways to escape them isnt it. Yes, the main purpose of this article is to give you the solutions.

1. Clean, Clean and Clean!

Always keep in mind that the roof rats are not a clean creature. Dirt attracts them. So if you dont clean properly, your house sooner it will be their house. Always clean your house, especially the dark corners. Follow their paths as Ive mentioned before. Use insecticides and be a clean freak for your own good. This OCD wont harm you rather benefit you.


I know this may sound bizarre, but dont underestimate the Roof Rats. They are really smart. And they always keep aware of what can harm you. Apparently, rats are afraid of owls because owls eat them. So if they see a sign of the owl they will run away for sure. So keep some owl feather in their pathway or in the corners to drive them out.


Definitely, you have to keep them away after youve killed them. Always track the possible entries for the rats. Block the passages so they cannot enter into. This is a great prevention from them for a better rat-free future.


This might interest you because it is an easy and non-toxic way. We, the humans are really fond of essential oils, but rats are the opposite of that. They cant take the essential oils like peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, citronella oil.


6. Baiting and Trapping


Call A Pest Control Service

HOW TO | Get rid of Roof Rats

Blocking entry points and setting traps isnt always enough to finish the job. Some rodent infestations are stubborn and determined to live in your roof.

For cases like these, its best to get the professionals involved.

Removing roof rats for good requires persistence and expertise. You may not have the time to keep checking traps in your attic or assessing your roof. Luckily, there are companies that cater to this very problem.

Look for a rodent control company that has lots of experience with roof rats. Southern Florida is notorious for these pests, but not all local companies are equal. You need a service that is efficient, fast, and follows-up.

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Roof Rat Removal From Attic Ceiling Walls & Garage

Roof rats are generally referred to as a black rat even though they come in varying colors and sizes.

Roof rats are macro pests that live both inside and outside an apartment. They are mostly found in ceilings, on roofs, and in attics.

They are omnivores, which means they feed on both plants and animals. An average roof rat will drink up to 15mm of water and eat up to 15 grams of food in a day. The average roof rat is about 2 8 ounces in weight, with a body that is about 5 7.5 inches long. Their tail is also as long.

Live And Snap Trap Pros And Cons

Live traps are not the smartest options for elimination of roof rats. A professional should be called to avoid disease and to ensure proper disposal, said Sage Garvey, director of technical operations at Burns Pest Elimination in Phoenix.

Snap traps traps that break the animals neck and kill the animal are the best option because an exterminator can determine the gender and age of the rat to determine if there are more to eliminate.

If a homeowner catches a rat with a live trap or a snap trap, disposal becomes a problem.

You could not move a rat to a different location because that is illegal. Instead, you would have to make sure that it is euthanized and throw it in your trash can, Garvey said.

As for the pros of live traps, Garvey said, homeowners would know that they have caught the pest.

For the cons, you could end up getting bit in the disposal/retrieval process, which is dangerous because rats carry at least 60 communicable diseases.

Garvey said exterminators can make routine checks of live traps and dispose of any rats caught.

If a homeowner chooses to purchase a live trap, we can come out to dispose of the rat that is captured if the homeowner is unable to or decides they don’t want to, he said.

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Why Are Roof Rats In My House

Roof rats are in your house because they are looking for food, water, and places to nest. Additionally, they prefer to be in higher locations to keep themselves safe from ground predators and to safely store their food. Because roof rats are great climbers, they have no problem reaching hard-to-access spaces. This is why there are often roof rats in attics and ceilings, which cause the dreaded overhead scurrying sound typical to an infestation.

Bait Box Placement And Type

Roof rats are a hazardous problem â get rid of them!

Lastly, we need to consider where were going to place our poison and/or bait stations.

Many products have instructions to simply place in areas of activity, which can often be inside your crawl space, attic, or living area. When rats consume a poison, they will typically return to their nesting area in order to find a place to die. They will quickly begin to smell as they decompose, and you wont know where they are to remove them.

It is highly recommended that any poisons or baits be placed outside of your home in tamper-proof containers that only rodents can access. Tamper-proof bait stations help ensure that non-target animals, pets, and even children dont handle or consume poisons.

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Still Wondering How To Get Rid Of Roof Rats

Roof rats are common intruders in Southern Florida. If you notice signs of these pests in your roof or attic, youre not alone. And, there are many things you can do to get rid of them and prevent them in the future.

Follow the four steps above on how to get rid of roof rats.

Command Pest Control has ample experience removing roof rats from Florida homes. Contact us to schedule an appointment.

Keep Clutter And Food Away

The most important thing you can do to prevent and control a rodent problem is sanitation. In order to live, roof rats need a steady supply of food and water. Try the following steps to sanitize your property:

  • Do not store food items in bags or boxes because they can be easily gnawed through. Instead, store food in metal containers with lids that fit tightly.
  • Rats will build nests with paper and cardboardremove any unnecessary clutter.
  • Remove grass clippings, weeds, and any other undesirable vegetation from around your property.
  • Pet food should be stored overnight in a tightly-sealed container.

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How Do I Get Rid Of Roof Rats

By: Nathan Woolf Date: October 23, 2018

Roof rats are a growing problem in Phoenix and the takeover only gets worse as temperatures dip because theyre looking for somewhere warm to nest. Those warm places are often located on the roofs and upper levels of residential homes. Phoenix residents may likely be seeing signs of these unwelcome visitors in their home.

It wouldnt be so bad if they kept to themselves, but roof rats are nocturnal creatures and make noise at night chewing through your wood, insulation and wiring, leaving you with a hefty repair bill when they move out. They can also cause health problems because their waste can spread allergens and disease.

So, its easy to understand why you want them gone for good and are asking, how do I get rid of roof rats? We have some tips to prepare against these rodents and to help to rid your home of roof rats.

What Are Signs Of A Roof Rat Infestation

Sealing up Rat entry points – get rid of roof rats 321-614-6005 Melbourne FL Animals in the Attic

Aside from actually spotting a rat, the most telltale sign is droppings around your home. Fresh droppings will seem moist, while older ones will look hard and dry. The droppings usually have pointed ends. Other signs include gnaw marks on wires and roof lines, greasy marks or streaks, and scratching or scuttling noises in the attic or ceiling.

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Rat Poison Pros And Cons

Ken Brown, owner/operator of Eco-Logic Management , describes how he uses rat poison:

I put out bait boxes, which are boxes that secure the bait inside. The bait contains a pheromone that attracts the rat to it.

After the rat eats the bait, it slowly dries the rat out over the course of about three days until they basically fall asleep, usually in their nest.

“Boxes are usually placed near AC units and pool pumps because that wiring is a big target for rats to chew on.

Brown says the pros of using rat poison include:

  • Bait boxes lock with a key so that pets and children cannot get into them.
  • The poison can work on many rats at once.
  • The boxes are regularly maintained by a licensed exterminator.

As for cons, Brown said bait boxes cost more than buying and maintaining old-fashioned mouse snap traps, rats may die in a nest that is in the homeowners attic and it will smell for about three days, and once in a great while a rat will die out in the open.”

How To Get Rid Of Roof Rats Once And Forall

admin October 21, 2020308 Views

Roof rats can be an uncomfortable event and it can be difficult to get rid of. They make nests higher above the ground on roofs, trees, bushes, piles of wood and wherever they can climb. In contrast to the usual rats, they are good climbers and are rarely seen on the ground or in caves. They like to build nests above the ground, where they get warmth from the rising heat.

In fact, alongside Norwegian rats, they are one of the most common rat types in the United States. In this article, well look at how to get rid of roof rats.

Understanding their behavior is critical so that you can remove them from your home once and for all. They occur in warmer areas, particularly in coastal areas, and rarely occur in areas 100 miles or more inland.

Not only can these rats be annoying and even scary for some, they can also do a lot of damage and affect your home. Roof rats are also known as palm rats or fruit rats or even ship rats because they occur in higher areas like trees.

The first step to eliminating the rats is to find out what type of rat is affecting your home. Here we look at how to get rid of roof rats.

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How Do You Get Rid Of Roof Rats

To get rid of roof rats, you must do the following:

  • Figure out how they get inside your house. Seal any cracks, gaps, spaces, or holes, and make sure that your vents and windows are screened.
  • Trim down shrubs and trees.
  • Clean up any potential food sources such as fruits fallen from trees.
  • Keep your home clean, particularly in nesting sites such as under the fridge, cupboards, and the stove.
  • Eliminate any piles of wood or debris.
  • Keep your garbage tightly covered.
  • Store dry food and pet food in sealed containers.
  • Avoid leaving pet food outside.
  • Remove any outdoor sources of water, including birdbaths, leaky sprinkler heads, etc.
  • Use snap traps, electronic devices, or a mixture of bait and poison in getting rid of roof rats.


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