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What Can I Use To Remove Moss From My Roof

How To Remove Moss From A Roof With Detergent

How to Remove Moss from Your Roof – Step by Step Guide

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A mossy roof is more than an eyesore, its a threat to the structure of your roof and your house. Killing moss with vinegar is one strategy for removing it from your roof, but there are others. You should proceed with caution with any such repair due to the slippery nature of moss and the inherent danger of working on a roof.

First Off What Is Moss

Mosses are a collection of tiny non-vascular flowerless plants that thrive in damp or shady conditions. Unbeknownst to many, there are seven classes and 12,000 known varieties of moss worldwide. It’s non-vascular, which means that moss doesn’t have roots like other plants do, and instead absorbs water from its appendages or spores. Because it doesn’t have the root structure to grow upward, it’s a plant that grows low and spreads wide on flat surfaces.

When moss spreads, it can envelop the surface and create a somewhat rustic look for cottages or cabins, which is why some people choose to let moss grow on their roofs. However, the consequences of allowing moss to grow wild are often not worth it.

Tips For Installing Zinc Or Copper Strips

When installing the metal strip its crucial that you do not use nails to hold it in place this will cause leakage when rain drips down along the nail and through the roof structure. Its also essential to ensure the zinc or copper strips are lying thin and as close to the roof as possible, to prevent warping. When warping occurs, the area of the roof beneath it does not get treated by the strips because instead of running directly down the roof, it runs along the strip to a less warped area.

Whichever method you choose, its important to look at other factors that cause moss growth and try to remove these. For example, trimming overhanging trees and bushes will remove shade which moss needs to grow, and moving any satellite dishes to areas that wont create shade. The more sunlight your roof is exposed to, the less shade and moisture will be present, so the less likely moss is going to grow.

Dont forget, for any roofing queries, questions or products our experts are here to help just give us a call on 01752 692 760.

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Why Shouldnt I Add A New Roof Over Moss

When you need a new roof, it may be tempting to add a second layer of shingles over your existing shingles. Doubling up your shingles can save time and expense on your roof replacement as your roofer doesnt need to remove and dispose of the old shingles. This strategy is convenient for homeowners because the replacement wont take as long or make as much of a mess. However, there are some circumstances where merely adding a new layer of shingles isnt a good idea.

For example, when you have significant moss growth on your roof, simply covering it up with new shingles isnt wise. Several potential problems may occur if your roofer simply adds a new roof over your existing, moss-covered roof. These potential problems include:

Homemade Moss Killer For Roofs 5 Ways To Remove Moss From Roof Naturally

How to Remove Lichen and Moss from Your Roof

Moss can quickly get on the roof and become severe, especially if left unattended for a long time. Sometimes its inevitable to prevent moss from growing on roofs depending on the climate of a given area.

Luckily, instead of using roof moss killers, there are preventative measures you can take to counter this issue and have a clean and safe roof. One of them is proper maintenance through various homemade recipes that you can use to alleviate moss on roofs.

This post will share a few tips to help you learn how to get rid of moss at home without much hassle.

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Roof Moss Removal: Methods And Prices

Removing moss from the roof is absolutely necessary to guarantee the proper functioning of the water drainage and to prevent the roofing from freezing to pieces. There are several methods to remove moss and dirt from the roof. You can discover these methods here, as well as the price for roof moss removal.

How Moss Ruins A Roof

In general, it is north-facing roof areas that receive little sunlight that are prone to mossespecially when the overall climate is cool and damp. But even in damp climates, roof areas that receive even a little strong sunlight each day may not develop moss. You are most likely to find it on areas of the roof that are shady nearly all the time, such as roof areas beneath heavy tree canopies

Roof moss begins with a thin dusting of green that you may notice only from low angles. This thin layer on the top of the shingles gradually expands and becomes wide, thick, and mat-like. The seams between the shingles and the shingles’ edges also develop moss because they tend to be especially shaded.

As moss thickens, it works its way under the shingles and raises them up. If the shingles are wood, this process can happen at an alarming ratewood’s porous surface is prime real estate for moss growth. Once moss has adhered to wood shingles, it is much harder to remove than from the relatively smoother planes of composite or asphalt shingles.

Once the moss is a thick mat, it becomes a sponge that soaks up and retains all moisture. This stored water quickly works its way under and between shingles and then onto the lower levels of roofing felt and the structural elements of the roof. This eventually leads to rot, and rot leads to further decay of roofing materials. The accelerating cycle can even destroy a roof in a matter of a few months.

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Bleach And The Environment

Everybody knows bleach is toxic. Thats why its the Bleach Myth persists. Obviously, bleach will kill the moss on your roof. It kills everything!

But where does that bleach go once it comes off your roof? Thats right. It goes into the ground and water around your home. Its true that you can dilute bleach with enough water, but even diluted bleach isnt healthy for the greenspace and water around your home.

At Keeping It Clean, we use only environmentally friendly cleaning products to remove moss and algae from your roof. Its not just that we care about the environment. We care about your home. Nobody wants to have their roof cleaned only to find that the products that were used killed all the plants and lawn next to their house.

You dont want your pets and children playing in dirt and water around your home that is laced with diluted bleach. Thats just not safe.

If you want moss removed from your roof, give us a call anytime or fill out the form below, and well set up an inspection. Our expert team uses the most advanced equipment and the safest cleaning products in the industry to clean your roof and remove moss and algae down to the root, all without doing damage to your home.

How To Use Moss Removal Chemicals

How To Remove Roof Moss – And Keep It Away

Before you apply the chemicals, you must remove most of the moss first using a brush or trowel as aforementioned. Then place covers over any plants, patios or furniture the chemicals used to treat moss and fungi are very strong and poisonous to plant life so its important to try to prevent it from spreading or coming into contact with other surfaces. The best way to apply the chemical is by using a sprayer, as long as you ensure it does not come into contact with other surfaces. Apply as per the instructions on the package, and then leave to dry. Some chemicals require you to wash off any excess after, but be aware of the potential risks involved when the water drains off. The benefit of using a chemical is that it will prevent moss from growing for longer than just removing it by hand. Take a look at our range of moss removal products.

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How To Prevent Moss On Roof

Happily, there are preventive measures you can use to keep your roof moss-free. First, let the sunshine in! Trim branches overhanging your roof, keep gutters free of debris, and regularly remove moisture collectors, such as leaves, branches, and seedpods, that pile up on the roof and encourage moss to grow. The best long-term solution? Attach strips of zinc or zinc-coated metal flashing strips just below a roof’s peak or ridge caps. When it rains, water flows over the metal strips leaching out moss-retardant zinc particles, which attach to roof shingles and/or tiles to stop new moss from forming.

Working safe, smart, and strategically guarantees your moss-removal operations will run smoothly. These prevention measures mean you’ll be able to stay off the ladder and roof for seasons, if not years, to come.

Is Moss Bad For Your Roof

There’s much to debate when it comes to discussing the pros and cons of letting moss grow freely on your roof. Some underestimate the impact of moss growth on their homes, while others worry it’ll cause irreparable damage. While it’s widely speculated, we’re here to debunk any myths around roof moss, once and for all.

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How Much Does It Cost To Remove Moss From My Roof

If you do it yourself, the materials you need to remove moss from your roof are inexpensive.

All you need is a ladder, garden hose, spray bottle, and chlorine bleach. Most homeowners already have those supplies.

If the moss is thick and well established on your roof, like the photo below, you should hire a professional.

The cost depends on the size of your roof, the amount of moss, and the labor rates in your area.

According to, roof cleaning can cost between $250 and $1000, with an average cost of $550.

As a rule of thumb, professionally removing moss will cost about 5% of what it would take to replace your roof altogether.

Algae & Moss Prevention And Cleaning For Asphalt Roofing Systems

How can I remove moss from my roof?

Maintenance Solutions

To understand how to deal with the recurring problem of algae and moss growth on rooftops, it is important to learn what they are and how they grow and spread. Although some similarities exist, algae and moss are very different and require slightly different procedures to prevent or to remove.

Often mistaken as mold or mildew, the black discoloration and streaks visible on many roofs across the United States and Canada are actually algae. The algae can form w here moisture tends to dwell on roof surfaces. Coastal or humid climates create the most conducive conditions for algae growth. The most common type, gloeocapsa magma or blue green algae, protects itself from damaging ultraviolet rays by producing a dark pigmented sheath. The algae discoloration typically begins as small spots then quickly transforms into streaks on the roof plane. By the time the algae is visible, it likely has been present for several months or longer.

Moss is a non-vascular plant that obtains water through its leaves, unlike most plants that gather water through its root system. Moss must therefore have a moist environment to survive. In North America, moss tends to grow on north facing roof planes that receive less direct sunlight and stay damp longer than south facing planes. Overhanging tree branches provide additional shade and drop debris on the roof that further holds in moisture and acts as a food source for moss.

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Reapply After Six Weeks

Reapply the cleaner as needed, to eliminate any moss thats regrown or hung on from the previous application. By creating a yearly moss treatment plan, you’ll help add years to the life of your roof.

As you can see, preparation and safety are key when treating and removing moss on your roof. By following these steps and using a few materials and tools, you’ll preserve the life of your roof, beautify your home, and help to protect against leaks.

Once you’ve finished removing the moss, you’ll likely want to clean your gutters. Stay tuned for our Dunn DIY gutter cleaning tutorialcoming in the next few weeks.

How To Remove Moss From A Roof: Everything You Need To Know

While moss can cause some roofs to look more appealing, it can cause serious damage to a roof if you leave it untouched. While the initial phases of a moss infestation aren’t too noticeable, as it grows and becomes intertwined with your shingles it can become more difficult to remove. Moss can soak up the water around it and cause water damage to your shingles, which can then eventually make its way into your home. If you’re trying to figure out how to clean moss off a roof, here are some things you need to know and simple steps to follow.

Moss is a type of plant that looks like a furry green patch and tends to grow in humid locations with shade. There are many different types of moss, in fact, there are over 16,000 types distributed across the world. On roofs, moss tends to grow on asphalt shingles and wood shingles. Some species of moss will only grow on specific roof shingles like wood, and others will grow on different parts of the shingles. If your roof has a moss infestation, chances are there is more than one type of moss growing on it.

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Detergent And The Environment

A final word about using detergent to remove moss from your roof: that detergent has to go somewhere. Websites claiming that you can just sweep it off with a broom forget to mention that now you have detergent seeping into the greenspace and water system around your home. Modern detergents generally lack the phosphorus of decades past, but that doesnt mean theyre safe for the environment.

Would you drink a cup of water mixed with detergent? Of course not. You know its unhealthy and dangerous. So why would you sweep that same detergent onto the ground around your home?

Your best solution for removing moss from your roof is always to hire a professional. At Keeping It Clean, we use only environmentally safe cleaning products and the most advanced equipment in the industry to fully remove moss and algae down to the root without damaging your roof. Give us a call anytime or fill out the form below to set up a free appointment.

What Are The Dark Streaks On My Roof

Remove Moss From Roof | DIY | 2 Methods

You may have noticed dark streaks across your roof. Given that moss grows upright on surfaces, and algae stays low and flush to the surfaces it grows on, its likely any dark streaks you see are algae.

Algae staining on roofs all start out being spread by wind, birds, and varmints, affecting homes across much of the United States.

This algae normally begins its lifecycle as airborne spores that will settle on your roof, especially those roofs that have asphalt shingles. The northern exposure of roofs has the most chance for algae to survive/thrive because that part of the roof is exposed to the least UV and dries last after morning dew and rain.

As the algae grows and spreads, it begins to look like large black streaks on your shingles.

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Its All About The Tiles

Whilst a mossy roof might not be aesthetically pleasing, you could end up in a lot more trouble should you decide to remove the spongy green invader from your roof tiles. When moss grows in, under and around your roof tiles, it actually acts as a filler packing out any gaps and plugging the spaces. Destroy the moss and those tiles that were previously held up by it are likely to settle back down in an awkward way. This could result in a roof that isnt water tight, leading to bigger problems down the road.

If you still cant bear the site of your mossy roof, consider this:

How Does Moss Get On Your Roof

Moss likes cool, damp places that lack in the sunshine. If your roof is not fully exposed to the sun, then it stands a good chance of developing a moss problem. It does not matter the type of shingles you have on your roof, wood, asphalt, etc., If the roof is cool, damp and dark, then moss will take advantage of the situation.

At first, the moss may not seem like a problem. But as it grows, it becomes a natural jack and lifts up your shingles. This action can help water to get under the shingles and cause leaks. These leaks will lead to further damage to your home other than the roof.

The worst type of roof to have is the wood shingle style. Since the wood is porous moss can get a good hold on the shingle and not let go.

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Difference Between Moss And Algae

Though they might be grouped as the same thing because they grow in the same area of your home, moss and algae are actually quite different and distinct.

Moss always appears more green and fluffy-looking than algae, though it might appear browner during dryer seasons. Moss will also grow up off the roof, while algae will grow flush to the shingles and fixtures, staying flat and unobtrusive. Algae will appear in many different colors such as gray, blue, green, or brown.

A small amount of moss is relatively harmless, but left unattended, it can grow and eventually damage your asphalt shingles. Moss should be removed. Algae actually fosters the growth of mold, which can lead to very serious issues. Algae, too, should be removed quickly and efficiently.


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