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What To Do About Moss On Roof

How Do You Prevent Moss On A Roof

How to Remove Moss from Your Roof – Step by Step Guide

We often get asked ‘how do I get rid of moss on my roof?’ Firstly, the roof must be cleaned to remove any moss attached to the roof tiles. In cases where the moss growth is not large scale, it can be cleaned off using a hose pipe. Do not use a pressure washer as this will damage your roof tiles.

If the case is more substantial, then it is wise to use a professional. A company who specialises in roof cleaning will be able to effectively clean the moss from your roof tiles.

However, just cleaning the roof is not enough. The cause of the moss still exists, and in a number of years the moss will be back. To prevent moss from growing on roof tiles, we have developed a number of highly advanced treatments that deal with the problems associated with moss growth.

Our super hydrophobic roof coatings create a waterproof & self-cleaning surface on roof tiles, meaning not are the issues that cause moss dealt with, but moss and any other dirt cannot attach to the roof tiles.

It achieves this thanks to the latest nano-technology that creates a super hydrophobic surface on roofs, which completely repels water, dirt & moss.

The treatment is also highly breathable, meaning moisture can escape from inside the property. This is in stark contrast to roof ‘sealants’ that seal moisture under the surface of the roof, leading to significant damage.

ProPERLA roof treatments come in two forms a coloured roof paint & a clear roof treatment.

The ultimate waterproof paint for roofs

How To Clean Off Mossy Or Lichens

Do not try to clean a roof like the one shown in this photograph. The shingles are worn out and fragile. It will be impossible to clean the roof without damaging it. A new roof is needed.

In our opinion, any roof surface brushing or raking should be done with great care to minimize damage to the shingles themselves. If there is any doubt about the condition of the shingles underneath the moss, work gently by hand on a small area first to see the condition of the shingles below.

If the roof shingles are fragile, brittle, cracking, curled, the risk of serious damage to the roof during moss removal is much more likely. The roof may look cleaner, but its remaining life may be reduced by aggressive cleaning.

Power washing or brushing: it is possible to remove moss from a roof surface by gentle cleaning using a soft brush or a power washer.

But be careful: power washing or even brushing or sweeping an asphalt shingle roof is itself a process that can damage the roof by breaking shingles or by loosening the protective mineral granules from the shingle surface.

As stated at ASBESTOS ROOFING / SIDING POWER WASHING we do not recommend power-washing asphalt shingles nor asbestos-cement roof shingles nor any other roofing product that can be damaged by high pressure spraying.

Otherwise the debris will wash down and clog roof gutters

The Hidden Problems Caused By Moss On Your Roof

In the warm spring and summer months many homeowners spend extra hours outdoors working in flower beds or mowing the lawn. While keeping any yard clean and tidy can add to a homes aesthetic charm, a few extra chores can help keep your home looking its best as well as prevent further maintenance down the road. When you spot any moss or lichen growing on a roof its important to remove it as soon as possible.

How to Spot Moss

Moss is a flowerless plant that appears as green clumps in shady and damp areas. Thats why its particularly important to keep an eye on any parts of your home that sit beneath a tree or other type of overhang. Moss is made up of tiny colonies of many plants growing together, rather than a single plant. They start small, but can grow into a much larger problem.

Here are five reasons its important to pay attention to the plant life taking up residence on your roof.

1) Moisture

Not all moss is easily visible from the ground regular rain can make a roof appear clean and healthy when its not. Its important to try and catch the growth of moss before it becomes an aesthetic problem from below. Moss is known for sucking up water like a sponge, which can mean rot or leakage problems later on because it holds on to the moisture instead of allowing it to drain off the roof. Immediate cleaning of any moss or lichen that appears can reduce the risk of greater damage later on.

2) Wood Rot

5) Roofs Lifespan

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Is Your Roof Going Way Too Green Use These Materials Tools And Methods To Eradicate Moss From Your Rooftopand Keep It From Coming Back

Ann Wilson has worked to bring readers the best information about their homes. For over five years, she has discussed in-depth about designing a space, from choosing the right colors to creating the best organization in any room.

On top of design, Ann has written extensively about remodeling and flooring in the home to ensure all readers choose the best option to fit their lifestyle and preferences. Her remodeling topics have included choosing the best wooden flooring and tiling to create a cohesive, beautiful space.

Ann Wilson is a leading expert on home design and remodeling. She has over five years’ experience discussing all-things remodeling, color designs, and flooring ideas to help readers make the best design choices.

Overhead greenery should be limited to the leaves on tree canopies. If moss is covering your roof, it’s time to get cleaning. Moss grows in areas untouched by sun, so it can develop at a speedy pace on tree-shaded and north-facing roofs. Spreading moss can quickly adhere to roof surfaces, filling in voids between shingles and tiles, and reaching under and lifting up roofing materials. This heaving of shingles allows rainwater and other moisture to seep into your roof’s structure to cause decay and rot.

Before you clean the moss off your roof, you’ll need to consider how you want to kill the plants and remove the dead layers. After cleaning, you’ll also need to put some defensive measures into play to prevent the moss from growing back.

Why Moss Is Bad For A Roof And What To Do About It

Tackling moss on roof of garages.

A lot of people wonder if moss growing on the roof of their home is a problem. If you have moss on your homes roof, you should have it taken care of. Moss has the ability to damage your roofs integrity greatly. This simple plant doesnt produce any flowers and it grows in a blanket. You often will see it growing on trees in Clearwater. But you dont want it growing on your roof.Moss will commonly thrive in any type of environment that is shaded and damp. The moss will absorb the damp environments moisture and establish roots on the roof. This causes the roof to start degrading. The roots then can lift up the shingles on the roof. The constant moisture can result in mold and bacteria growth. This can eventually mean that you are having holes inside your roof so that your home is leaking. It also will make it dangerous to walk on a roof that is covered in moss since it will make the roof really slippery when its wet. You should monitor your roof for growth of moss and then treat it as needed. If youre living in an area that live in a wooded area or thats frequently wet, moss growth prevention is also important.

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What Causes Moss On Roofs

Like any weed, moss releases spores that cause it to spread easily, especially in wet & cold areas. What makes roofs susceptible to moss is the large number of nooks & crannies that allows the moss to attach to the surface. Furthermore, roof tiles are often made of porous materials, making them the perfect material for moisture, and thus weeds. This allows them to spread quickly & effectively across the roof in-between the roof tiles.

The Negative Side Effects Of Moss

While moss may appear to be a seemingly unthreatening plant, moss truly can cause severe damage to a home. Like most plants, moss grows roots, and as the moss on your roof grows so does its root system, which can burrow under your homes shingles, lifting them and damaging your roof.

As an extremely moisture-absorbent plant, moss growing on a roof or burrowing itself below shingles can cause excess moisture to sit atop your roof and therefore damage the roof and the existing structure below with mold and rot.

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Use A Cleaning Solution

Some moss problems require more than just a simple scrub. If thats the case, then youll want to use either a storebought or DIY cleaning solution. Fortunately, there are a variety of cleaning solutions that can get the job done. Use a cleanser of your choice during the next cloudy day . Also, remember to spread plastic sheeting below the work area so that you dont damage sensitive plants or discolor siding and pathways.

Popular cleansers include Moss B Ware, Bayer 2-in-1 Moss and Algae Killer, and Wet & Forget.

If youd prefer to make your own cleaning solution, you can use any of these three recipes:

  • 2 gallons of water + 1.5 to 3.5 cups white distilled vinegar
  • 2 gallons of water + 1.5 to 3.5 cups chlorine bleach
  • 2 gallons of water + 8 ounces Dawn Ultra dish soap

Remember to wear rubber gloves throughout this process to help avoid exposing your skin to the bleach.

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What Causes Moss On Roof

How To Remove Roof Moss – And Keep It Away

Moss grows well in cool, damp environments. So if moss is growing on your roof, its most likely you live in cooler areas of the country. Or it can grow in a section of your roof that doesnt receive sunlight consistently.

Research shows that moss growing on any roof surface is more severe on roof sections shaded or periodically exposed to excellent weather conditions. This may either be the presence or absence of much sunlight on a roof surface. When a combination of shade and cool moisture on a roof surface, moss or lichens have a high chance of growing on it.

Moss growth on roofs can be drastic, and finding ways to tackle them before they grow too much is an essential factor to consider. Regular roof maintenance is a recommended remedy to handle and eliminate the problem.

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What Are The Effects Of Moss Growth On Roofs

Because moss or lichens growing on a roof surface will hold moisture on the roof longer than other areas, these growths can reduce the life of the roof covering.

Particularly where the roofing materials are asphalt shingles or wood shingles, holding water on the roof surface by any means speeds up wear on these shingles. In freezing climates there may be faster frost damage, cracking, and wear of the shingles under the moss or lichens.

Even in non-freezing climates, the roots or growth structures of moss or lichens eventually penetrate and separate the roof shingle materials, speeding their demise.

Roof Maxx Kills Moss On Your Roof

Our Roof Maxx treatment will kill existing moss on asphalt shingle roofs. After about 3-5 days post-treatment, the moss on your roof will turn brown and die. At this point, the moss on your roof will start drying out and eventually detach from your roof. Once this occurs, the moss will naturally come off your roof either from normal rains or wind. In heavier cases of moss, it will be necessary to still physically remove the dead moss using a soft bristle broom or rinsing with a garden hose. Roof Maxx doesnt guarantee prevention of future moss growth.

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Why Is Moss Bad For My Roof

Although most mosses pose no danger to humans, moss growth can severely compromise your roof. Moss is incredibly effective at absorbing moisture, which means that any moisture trying to leave your roof will be captured. Moss is also very likely to grow in between roof tiles, filling up the voids between them which can lift the tiles and expose what lies underneath to the elements. This combination of excessive moisture and exposure to rainwater is what leads to serious structural damage such as rotting timber or damp insulation.

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What If I Like The Moss

Vancouver Roof Moss Removal &  Algae Cleaning

Some homeowners find moss enchanting, like ivy growing up the side of their home. If youd like to grow moss or other plants on your roof, you could consider investing in a residential green roof. Thin, extensive green roofs are enough to grow succulents and mosses. If youre interested in taller plants, consider an intensive green roof.

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How To Install Zinc Strips For Roof

Many years ago, people used zinc strips to prevent roof moss from growing. Here is a description of their operation and installation. As well as dependable roofing methods and expertise, zinc strips have limitations.

Zinc strips function when rain splashes on the metal, causing minute metal particles to fall off the roof.

Algae, moss, lichen, fungus, mold, and other everyday plant life are all harmful to the metal and will damage your roofs appearance and health.

When everything is functioning correctly, the developing moss will eventually wither, die, and come off, just like stains and other essential plant life creatures should. But, for around five years, it should help keep the moss at bay.

You must first put the zinc strips to prevent moss on the roof beneath every ridge cap, whether straight or angular, so rainwater can pass over them and equally treat the roof with leaching metal .

The second layer of zinc strip needs to be laid 15 feet lower down the roof because the method only works for about 15 feet. Complete independence from moss for five years should occur if there is enough zinc for the rains to run over, in the proper locations, and if they are all level and even on the roof.

Is It Bad To Have Moss Growing On Your Roof

A little bit of moss growth may seem harmless. But because moss retains moisture and can spread quickly, it can cause costly damage to your roof. Unfortunately, homeowners can face many roof problems over time, and its important to take care of issues like moss as soon as possible.

Think of moss like a giant, ever-growing sponge. It is always wet, and it keeps your roof wet too. It moves underneath shingles as it grows, which can loosen them and spread moisture into the layers of your roof, including the underlayment and framework.

If left to grow for a prolonged period, moss can even creep into the home and develop mold, which could threaten the health of your family and the structure of your home.

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How Moss Ruins A Roof

In general, it is north-facing roof areas that receive little sunlight that are prone to mossespecially when the overall climate is cool and damp. But even in damp climates, roof areas that receive even a little strong sunlight each day may not develop moss. You are most likely to find it on areas of the roof that are shady nearly all the time, such as roof areas beneath heavy tree canopies.

Roof moss begins with a thin dusting of green that you may notice only from low angles. This thin layer on the top of the shingles gradually expands and becomes wide, thick, and mat-like. The seams between the shingles and the shingles’ edges also develop moss because they tend to be especially shaded.

As moss thickens, it works its way under the shingles and raises them up. If the shingles are wood, this process can happen at an alarming ratewood’s porous surface is prime real estate for moss growth. Once moss has adhered to wood shingles, it is much harder to remove than from the relatively smoother planes of composite or asphalt shingles.

Once the moss is a thick mat, it becomes a sponge that soaks up and retains all moisture. This stored water quickly works its way under and between shingles and then onto the lower levels of roofing felt and the structural elements of the roof. This eventually leads to rot, and rot leads to further decay of roofing materials. The accelerating cycle can even destroy a roof in a matter of a few months.

How Do I Get Rid Of Moss On My Roof Without Chemicals

Remove Moss From Roof | DIY | 2 Methods

To follow up on the previous section, there are some other strong substances that you can use, which are not considered artificial. For example, you can get rid of moss using a mixture of water and either Dawn Ultra dish soap or chlorine bleach. Again, though, you can easily substitute these products with white distilled vinegar.

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How To Prevent Moss On Your Roof

Happily, there are preventive measures you can use to keep your roof moss-free. First, let the sunshine in. Trim any branches hanging over your roof, keep the gutters free of debris, and regularly remove moisture-collectorssuch as leaves, branches, and seedpodsthat pile up on the roof and encourage moss to grow. The best long-term solution is to attach strips of zinc or zinc-coated metal flashing strips just below the peak or ridge caps. When it rains, water flows over the metal strips leaching out moss-retardant zinc particles, which attach to roof shingles and/or tiles to stop new moss from forming.

Working safely, smartly, and strategically guarantees your operations will run smoothly. These prevention measures mean you’ll be able to stay off the ladder and roof for seasons, if not years, to come.


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