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HomeFactsHow To Tell If Your Roof Needs Replacing

How To Tell If Your Roof Needs Replacing

You Have Unwanted Animal Occupants In Your Home

How Do I Know If I Need A New Roof?

Has a family of squirrels taken up residence in your attic? Its doubtful you let them in the front door, so its likely you have a missing or rotting section in the eaves or a hole in another part of your roof.

Animals like possums, raccoons, birds, and bats will look for any opportunity to nest in the comfort of your warm home and will take advantage of damage to your roof.

Hire a professional roofing contractor to inspect your roof to determine whether repairs or a total replacement are required.

You Have Damaged Flashings

If you have any flashing installed around the details, chimneys, valleys, skylights, rakes or walls of your home, separation can be a potential problem and a good sign that your roof needs replacing. If the flashing opens and closes due to contractions or expansions, the bottom part of the flange will actually lift up and cause water to enter your home. This means there can be sneaky leaks, and you dont even know about it until its too late.

If you do happen to notice some of the signs that your flashing may be damaged, the best thing to do is to call your local roofing company to get a proper assessment on how extensive the damage actually is.

asphalt shingles roof damaged that is in need of repair.

Moss Mold Or Fungi Have Taken Over

Moss, mold and fungi indicate trapped moisture, which can ruin a roof. To do away with moss that collects in shaded corners of your roof, use a stiff brush but be careful to address any underlying problems. If obvious moss remains after brushing, contact a professional to get the roof properly inspected.

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Signs That You Need Roof Repair Asap

Ever notice how when some people are looking to make a decision about something, they wish they would receive a sign from above?

Well, regardless of your spiritual beliefs, this approach is accurate when it comes to figuring out whether its time to repair or replace your roof. So when you turn your gaze toward the heavens , here are some signs that it might be time to call in a roofer.

Send me a sign. oh, wait. Theres one. Call the roofing guy.

1. Shingles that are curled, cracked, or absent. These are indications that the shingles are nearing the end of their lifespan. If you see lots of these types of shingles, you should consider getting your roof replaced.

2. Shingles that are dark, dirty, or even wet. If shingles are allowing moisture to be trapped, they arent doing their job. Keep in mind that the wetness may not be right under the offending shingle .

3. Lots of shingle granules in gutters. Composite or asphalt shingles shed their granules when they start to wear out. These granules often find their way into your gutters. The granules look like coarse, black sand.

4. Wear and tear around roof objects and openings. Chimneys, vents, pipes, and other objects that penetrate your roof are places where deterioration may initially develop. Often, the fixes can be confined to these specific areas.

11. A big, honkin tree branch on your home. Yeah, it might need fixing.

12. Your roof was obliterated in a fire. Probably oughta get that fixed, too.

Sign #: Debris In Gutters

How To Tell If Your Roof Needs Replacing

Check your gutters for pieces of asphalt shingles or sand-like granules that are used as a top coat this material protects your tiles, and if granules are falling from your tiles and into your gutters, then it could be a sign that your shingles are deteriorating. Of course, a few loose granules are normal, but if you notice an increase in residue, this may be a warning sign.

The protective coating of a roof tends to slough off due to atmospheric changes, constant exposure to weather, long-term usage and moisture, which causes the asphalt to weaken. Therefore, you should aim to repair tiles and replace their protective coating on a regular basis.

You should also check for debris falling from trees nesting on your roof, as this can cause the coating of your roof to weaken. Therefore, regular garden maintenance is important.

Make sure that you inspect your roof regularly in broad daylight, and if you notice deformed, distorted, curled areas, or tiles bald from their protective coating, then you may need to make some roof repairs. And, if you live in North Yorkshire, give us a call. Wed be happy to have our Harrogate roofers take a look at your property and recommend repairs.

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Lack Of A Chimney Cricket

If you currently own an older home with a large chimney, be sure to verify that your chimney has a chimney cricket installed. A chimney cricket is a solution that acts as an additional roof for a homes chimney. As the seasons pass and weather changes, chimneys collect debris, dirt, and water buildup. Without a chimney cricket in place, you run the risk of furthering issues in your home from leakage, water damage, and even from nature outdoors. Ensuring your homes chimney has a chimney cricket in place can significantly reduce the risk of encountering issues with your homes roof system and your chimney.

How To Repair Your Roof

How to DIY a shingle repair

If your roof is less than 20 years old, but you still are considering repairs, make sure you do your research. You can often patch or repair a roof without having to replace the whole thing.

If youre confident in your DIY abilities, you can replace damaged shingles and underlay material yourself. Heres how:

  • Locate the damaged shingle, lift it up with your fingers and pry out the nail with the back of your hammer
  • Remove any old roofing cement residue with a wet rag and paint scraper
  • Round off the back corners of the new shingle with a sharp knife or box cutter
  • Slide the new shingle into place and secure it with roofing nails into each upper corner
  • Cover the nailheads with roofing cement

You can buy shingles, roofing cement and nails at any home improvement store. Take a piece of your old shingle with you so an employee can point you towards the correct shingle.

How to find a roofer

If you think you need to replace your entire roof, research and find a reputable contractor. Make sure their license is authentic and up-to-date. Pay attention to whether their references recommend them without hesitation. You can also check sites like HomeAdvisor or Thumbtack for verified reviews of contractors in your zip code.

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Granules In The Gutter

If your roof has been 10 to 15 years and you find a bunch of granules in the gutter, that is a sign that you have to replace your shingles. Granules make the shingles deteriorate fast when it falls off the shingles and start to melt. The damage can cause danger due to impending failure in your home ceiling and inside the wall lining.

When to replace: If you have a new rood and there is a minimal granule in the gutter, it is estimated that there is a halfway through its lifespan before you think about replacing it.

Are You Selling Your House In The Next 5 Years

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Just like every roof replacement is different, so is everyones situation. You have to take your future plans into consideration when deciding if you should replace your roof.

If youre older, settled in your forever home, and know your roof is around that 20-year mark, then you might just want to throw a new roof on and forget about it.

If youre close to the 20-year mark and know youre going to be selling your house in 2 to 5 years youre probably going to have to replace the roof to put your home on the market. So consider replacing it now, enjoy it as much as you can, and then get your investment back with the curb appeal when its time to sell.

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Holes Drilled On Purpose

Tiny holes in shingles are sneaky because they can cause rot and other damage for years before you notice the obvious signs of a leak. You might find holes left over from satellite dish or antenna mounting brackets or just about anything. And exposed, misplaced roofing nails should be pulled and the holes patched. Small holes are simple to fix, but the fix isnt to inject caulk in the hole. Youll fix this one with flashing and spot replace the roof.

What About Replacing My Roof Because I Want Solar Panels

The decision to purchase solar panels should be something that is given quite a bit of thought. It is really foolish to put solar panels on your home unless you plan on staying there for a while. While you can save a lot of money over the long term, you won’t be able to recapture the cost when selling immediately.

For example, if the solar panels cost twenty five thousand, don’t expect you will get twenty five thousand back. You might and you might not. See what you need to know about selling a house with solar panels and the return on investment. If you end up putting the panels on the front of your house this may be a major turn-off. It could prevent buyers from paying top dollar. You should consider speaking with a local real estate agent before installing solar.

One of the considerations with a solar panel system is the age of the roof. The roof should be very new when installing solar power. What’s the point of putting solar panels on an old roof? That would cause a major future problem to deal with. Lots of people are buying homes with solar power because they love the idea of going green. It saves you money, energy and helps the environment.

There is a lot of research that should be done when buying or selling a home with solar panels.

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Decide Whether To Repair Or Replace Your Roof

Say your roof inspection report estimates you should replace your roof in the next five years, detailing several problems with the shingles and flashings. If youre planning to sell within that window, you might wonder whether its best to replace or repair the roof before you list.

Thats a discussion that you should have with your agent as a lot of that is going to depend on the state of the market your house is in, Andrew Oldham advises.

So, if the market is a very hot sellers market and you would expect to get multiple offers anyway, you may not need to go the expensive route.

Your agent will measure the return on investment that various roof modifications will yield and determine whether or not your home needs the upgrade to compete in your market.

Need A Roof Replacement

How to Determine if You Need a Roof Replacement

Aside from the subtle to not-so-subtle signs of damage we talked about, theres one more reason you might consider getting a roof replacement. That reason? Youre selling your home.

A compromised roof can complicate a housing sale very quickly. Even in a brisk sellers market, a damaged roof makes the home less desirable to buyers.

Your first thought may be to sell the house as is and let the buyer worry about it. Most of the time, this strategy will cost you a lot of money.

  • Buyers want more than the price of the roof for a discount.
  • Lenders dont want to extend a mortgage on a house with roof damage.
  • Insurance companies inspect homes and deny coverage to houses with bad roofs.

Bottom line: Unless youre willing to take significantly less than your home is worth and limit buyers to those who offer cash, a good roof is required to sell your home.

When you need a new roof, contact Long Roofing at 844-602-LONG or visit us online today to request an estimate.

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Get Multiple Opinions On What Your Asphalt Roof Needs

Before you replace your roof, its crucial to get multiple opinions. When a roofing salesman comes to your home, their job is to sell you a roof.

Thats why the first thing you should do after getting one roofing estimate is to get another. For example, if one contractor says you need a full roof replacement but three others say you just need repairs, then your roof probably only needs repairs.

Read this article on whether you should repair or replace to learn more about if your roof just needs repairs or a complete replacement.

Tips To Keep Your Roof In Top Shape

Once you decide you need a new roof, follow these steps to ensure your roof replacement stays in tip-top shape for as long as possible:

  • Get a warranty. When you purchase a warranty, youre not just ensuring that future repairs are covered youre committing to a higher-quality roof.
  • Hire a tree cutter. Trim trees near your home so they dont become projectiles during a storm or superhighways for animals to access your roof.
  • Inspect your roof for damage after a storm. Dont assume everything is OK after your neighborhood is blasted by snow, hail or wind.
  • Abide by the terms of your roofing warranty. You paid for it! Make sure you follow the terms of the warranty to ensure that when you need it, you can use it.

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Your Roof Is Old And Warping

Estimating how old a roof is can be very difficult. The easiest way to know the age of your roof is to check on documentation from previous replacements, but that isnt always possible to do.

Sometimes looks can be deceiving when it comes to old roofing. Even if things look normal to the naked eye, its a good idea to have a local roofing contractor or home inspector come out and do a proper inspection of the roof. Underlying issues could be hidden by the shingles that you would have otherwise looked over. If these problems are ignored, it could be a lot more painful to fix later on down the road. Age is a very real and important factor to consider when looking into a roof replacement.

Discolored Ceilings And Walls

Things To Check Before Buying A Home! Sunny Duggal. Realtor Sunny Duggal | eXp Realty, Brokerage

Have you noticed mysterious water stains on your ceilings, walls, or the exterior of your home? Do you hear a mysterious dripping sound coming from your ceiling? You may have a leak in your roof.

Check the insulation in your attic if its soggy, that probably means you have a problem.

Walking on your roof is dangerous and not recommended! If you have ascended to the top of your home and found soft sections in your roofing, your roof likely has water damage and needs to be replaced.

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When You Need Roof Repair

In most cases, roof repair is a better option. It can extend the life of your roof without the extra expense of replacing. There are a few conditions where roof repair is a good idea.

Think about the age of your roof. If your house is young and the roof is somewhat new, chances are you can repair the damage. If the roof is under a 30-year warranty, you can contact the manufacturer for roof repairs.

Another thing to consider is the context in which the damage happened. If you know when and how the roof was damaged, it can be easy to determine whether repair is enough. For example, if there was just a major storm, chances are the roof damage was a result of that particular storm. Any damage resulting from weather can be repaired. Usually, the exterior damage will be visible in these cases.

Finally, think about the extent of the damage. If it is a small mark, like a missing shingle, you should be able to repair without issue. If the damage is limited to the surface of the roof, you can replace a few shingles to fix the problem.

Bottom Line: Do I Need A New Roof

To prevent getting a new roof prematurely, take the time to do bi-annual inspections. With proper upkeep and regular inspections, you can stay on top of issues that could cause further damage to your home, and you might even be able to avoid buying a new roof. And while you may be able to complete some repairs, it never hurts to call a professional.

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Potential Signs That Your Roof May Need To Be Replaced:

  • Shingle edges are curled or shingle tabs are cupped.
  • Bald spots where granules are missing.
  • Cracked shingles.
  • Your roof is at least 20 years old while many shingles today are produced for durability, many factors can accelerate the aging of shingles. For example, if your roof is not properly ventilated, it can negatively impact your shingles.
  • The roof just looks old and worn.
  • Neighbors are getting new roofs. Homes built around the same time period can be experiencing the same types of weather conditions can mean that your roof is nearing its useful life.
  • Dark streaks. Airborne algae cause dark streaks on roof decks. While this may not necessarily harm the roof shingles, it may not look good.
  • Moss can grow on roof surfaces that dont get much sunlight, especially in cool, moist climates. Moss growth can be more than a cosmetic issue. Moss holds moisture against the roof surface and over time in freezing climates can cause damage to the granules on the top of the shingles. Moss can be brushed off but it wont prevent it from growing again take care not to damage the shingle surface. You may need to contact a professional roofing contractor.

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