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HomeWhat Is The Best Type Of Roof Ventilation

What Is The Best Type Of Roof Ventilation

What Happens If Your Attic Is Not Vented

How to Properly Vent Your Roof – Roof Ventilation Types and Theory

But in homes without appropriate insulation and ventilation in the attic, heat migrates. Meanwhile, because hot air is full of moisture, all that water hanging out in your attic is causing condensation to build up. Excess heat and condensation can cause major damage to your roof and roofing materials.

How To Know If You Have Bad Attic Ventilation

There are many signs that will indicate if your attic ventilation is inadequate, here are some things to look for –If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have insufficient air flow through your attic to remove moisture. Read more here about what to do when you have frost in your attic.

The Different Types Of Roof Ventilation Systems

Every roof must have necessitated exposure to air to absorb moisture, but the types and placement of vents depend on the weather and climate and also where the house is located.

The temperature in the loft can be increased about 150 degrees centigrade that is why roof vent systems are compulsory. Hot air has to evacuate so that house temperature has cool down.

Roof vent systems are precarious in winters. The accumulation of hot air melts the ice on the roof and water refreezes and form ice barrages that may block drainages. Roof vent systems balance the incoming and outgoing air.

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Verdict And Our Recommendation For 2021

A metal roof ridge vent is ideal if you are looking to have a proper ventilation system. However, depending on your needs and requirements, you can visit for additional information about ridge vents.

You will not only find the best ridge vent reviews but also useful information on a massive range of home equipment.


Pros And Cons Of Different Types Of Roof Vents

Why Roof Ventilation Is Important

Many roof vents are extremely efficient, feature no moving parts, and are animal-proof. You may already know that your roof needs to have vents so that hot and humid air does not accumulate in your attic, otherwise causing a variety of problems ranging from mould to ice dams. There are many roof ventilation solutions out there for a variety of homes, but which is right for yours?

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What Happens To Houses Without Ventilation

Builders and designers became aware of the need for adequate roof ventilation in the mid 20th century.

Increasingly effective sealing and insulation in roof cavities and internal walls trapped hot humid air in the summer and cold damp condensation in the winter.

That moisture build-up can damage timber framing, gyprock ceiling panels, electrical wiring and trigger a dangerous growth of harmful mould.

Without adequate ventilation the hot summer air in the roof space forces your air conditioning to work harder to achieve the desired levels of heat extraction and will increase your electricity bills and running costs as well as shorten the lifespan of the AC units.

Modern insulation and building practices create such as well sealed structure that adequate roof ventilation is needed more than ever.

Why Does A Roof Need Vents

Roof vents come in different shapes and sizes, but they all have one specific and major function: to prevent the attic from overheating.

On a hot day, the outdoor temperature will affect the temperature in your attic. You want that attic temperature to be at least level with the outdoor heat. The problem is that the attic traps heat so that the roof becomes hotter than its surroundings. When this happens, issues start to develop.

The shingles are exposed to the heat of the sun, so if they are also being pummeled by heat from underneath which is what happens when the attic is superheating they receive double the punishment. The heat from the attic bakes the shingles, making them brittle and more prone to damage. It also affects the sheathing and other components of the roof, causing them to warp and to lose adhesion and integrity. Pretty soon, youll need a roof replacement.

Humidity is also a problem when the attic is superheating. During winter, when your home is artificially heated, humidity builds up in your hot attic. As there is nowhere for the humidity to go, it comes into contact with the attics surfaces and forms condensation. This moisture will find its way everywhere in the attic, causing all sorts of problems, from rot to rusting to mold growth.

Water is also bad for your attic insulation as it causes the insulation to clump, rendering it useless. If all the insulation clumps, your home has absolutely no protection from the attic heat.

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What Happens If My Roof Doesnt Have Proper Venting

Rapid destruction of your home, property, and everything you hold dear. All things that matter to you will perish in the most annihilating way imaginable. Just kidding.

Though there may not be world-ending destruction if you do not have proper ventilation, there are significant drawbacks that will effect your attic space, your roof, your home, and your lifestyle. They include:

  • Poor indoor air quality due to dead air in the attic space
  • Overburdened HVAC systems forced to work harder to cool the second floors of your home
  • Extra moisture in the attic space
  • Ice dams in the winter months, if you live in a colder climate
  • Dry rot of roof sheathing

Exhaust Let That Stale Air Out

The Best Type Of Roof Ventilation – Ridge Vent vs Box Vent

According to West Texas A& M University, Physics Professor Christoper Baird, heat does not rise, hot air rises. For the purposes of venting your attic space, this is valuable because it is the hot air, which contains moisture, that you want to get out of your attic space.

If the hot air is allowed to stagnant, it can lead to bad-smelling mildew and eventually mold. This is one of key reasons why ventilation is important to your homes health, as mentioned above.

Because hot air rises, exhaust-style vents are generally placed towards to top of your roof line. The most common exhaust vent used for modern roofing systems is the ridge vent. At Roof Hub, we install a ridge vent for every single new roof unless the homes style does not allow for it.

Remember: ridge vents and other exhausts like them allow that hot, humid, moist stale air to exit your home but are only one half of any great venting strategy!

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Best Types Of Roof Vents + Understanding Attic Ventilation

The best roof ventilation systems dont just extend the life of your roof, they help lower your homes energy bills and make your house an overall healthier place to live

Different types of roof vents are more effective than others, but each type of vent has the basic task of either removing stale air from your attic space or bringing fresh air into your home .

If you want to truly take advantage of the benefits of proper roof ventilation, then it is critical to have both intake and exhaust ventilation installed. However, in many cases it is not possible to have intake ventilation because of the homes architecture. In these cases, having only exhaust is better than nothing! But for the sake of discussion, we can assume your roofs design can structurally handle both intake and exhaust.

Before covering each type of roof vent available on the marketplace in 2020, lets first get an overview of the two styles of ventilation in general

A Note About Bathroom And Kitchen Exhaust Vents

Bathroom and kitchen exhaust vents are not a type of roofing vent. It should be noted that these vents, which expel warm moist air from the bathroom and food prep areas of the home, need their own ducts and vent hoods, which direct air to the homes exterior. These vents and ducts should never share space with the roof vent, and air should never be vented directly into the attic.

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Signs Of Poor Ventilation

Now, there are various signs, most of them apparent, which indicate that your house can do with a ventilating system.

1. When you notice icicles and ice dams on your roof, it means there is something awfully wrong with your roof ventilation system.

2. One of the reasons for the musty attic smell is the improper ventilation system in your home.

3. Noticed varying temperature spots in your house as you move from one room to the other? You may even have felt chilly at the lower flight of stairs and warmer as you climb up. This is a pretty good indicator of ineffective roof ventilation. If nothing is done about it, hot air cannot escape and will be trapped in the upper rooms, making them warmer .

4. Roof leaks, mold and mildew formation is a sign of flaws in your ventilation. It could pose serious health issues not just for your roof and building but your health as well. After a heavy shower or storm, water will be collected atop the roof. If the excess water is not drained after such events, or if your roof is damaged because of a storm or rain, the undrained water will accumulate and eventually lead to mold and mildew formation. This could lead to health issues like cough and irritation to the throat, eyes, and skin.

What Are The Benefits Of Roof Ventilation

Why Roof Ventilation Matters

Well-designed roof ventilation will do the following:

  • Maintain a dry, more equitable temperature in the roof cavity
  • Reduce moisture and potential mould build up
  • Prolong the lifespan of ceiling insulation
  • Protect roof timbers from degradation due to moisture
  • Enable your air conditioner to work more efficiently and effectively
  • Reduce your power bills & enhance comfort levels in the house

The build-up of heat and moisture in the roof cavity increases the heat in the rooms below.

The result: increased electricity bills and wear and tear on your air conditioning system as it’s forced to work harder.

This is especially true when your AC units are ducted into the roof cavity.

We supply a wide range of roof ventilation system solutions and products that make your home more comfortable, reduce your power bills and make your roof more durable.

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Benefits Of Roof Ventilation Systems:

The ice will block the system when the heat from the sun will combine with the heat coming from the outside of your house and melt the snow. The water will move towards the solar whirlybird roof where it will freeze once again because of the lower temperature. In this way, it will damage your entire roof.

When the temperature gets hot outside the house, it is important that we keep the insides cool. When the roof has proper ventilation it will allow the warmth inside the house to get away through ceiling vents bunnings. When the roof is properly vented it will protect the snow from turning into icicles.

While the temperature will increase outdoor, all of us need to stay cool inside. A well-vented solar whirlybird roof lets in warmth to get away, thereby decreasing the workload to your air conditioner.

Make sure that you get the best types of roof ventilation systems. It will help you to protect your house in all conditions.


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For Beginners & Professionals

Roof Ventilation At Work

Roof ventilation systems are unique to every home. Factors such as code requirements, regional climate and roof and ceiling designs all need to be considered when venting your roof.

There are two main types of roof ventilation:

  • Exhaust vents
  • Intake vents
  • Exhaust vents: These vents allow exhaust to escape.

    The most common type of exhaust vents are ridge vents. They are installed at the intersection of two roof planes . They are typically made of molded, high-impact copolymer and are installed underneath a final layer of shingles to give a seamless look to the roof. To the untrained eye, ridge vents can be almost invisible.

    Roof louvers, gable louvers, wind turbines and power attic ventilators are all visible exhaust vents that are mounted on the outside of your roof. Like ridge vents, roof louvers and gable louvers work without the use of electricity.

    Wind turbines also work without a power source, but they work best with a constant source of wind and are not as effective as ridge vents.

    Power attic ventilators, which run on a power source, are an exhaust vent option for certain roof designs or areas without much wind.

    Intake vents: These vents can be even harder to spot.

    Now that weve reviewed how ventilation works and how a roof can be properly vented, lets expand on the benefits of roof ventilation.

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    What Do People Like About Roof Vents

    Every house requires proper ventilation, and many people would like to implement it through their roof. People should select a ventilation system that is tailored to their climate and other variables depending on their home.

    What do people like about roof vents? A good roof vent will keep the attics aluminum cool in the summer and keep it clean and dry in the colder months. It also allows natural airflow inside your house, making it pleasant to live in.

    Benefits of roof vent:

    • Energy Cost: It reduces energy costs. As hot air can pass through the roof vent, theres little need to use air conditioners.
    • Extends Roof Life: It protects the concrete tile, asphalt shingles, avoids, and gutters that can live up to the manufacturers warranty.
    • Low Cost: Properly insulated roofs can keep the moisture intact and cleans dirt almost itself.
    • Prevent Ice Dams: Ice melts, and the remaining water flows down.

    The Two Types Of Roof Vents

    Review of different static vents for roof ventilation

    Ventilation is all about creating airflow. Airflow can be achieved by natural means while some require a power source or electricity.

    Natural Ventilation: Air flows through the attic due to the stack and wind effect. Feeling lost? Allow us to elaborate. If you have read the guide till now, you will know that hot air will arise within a room. This will create high pressure at high points in the attic. If enough room is given for the hot air or high-pressure air to clear out, it will be replaced by cool air. So, obviously hot air will move out and in turn, cool air will come in only when there is the option for an inlet. The air that escapes is the exhaust, while the cool air that comes in is called the intake.

    What about the wind effect though? When a heavy gust of wind blows against your house, and your roof, it will give rise to exhaust as well as intake. This is the wind effect. Now both these are necessary for an attic that is properly ventilated. Remember, hot trapped air out, cool fresh air is happening constantly!

    You can very well make use of the airflow that can be created as a result of the thermal difference to keep your indoor space nice and comfortable. Natural ventilation can be fixed in doors, windows, and other gaps.

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    Fascia Vents And Drip Edge Vents

    Also called over-fascia vents because they are installed on top of the roofs fascia boards, fascia vents feature holes on their side edges to let air into the roof. Drip edge vents, on the other hand, are built and installed like regular drip edges, except that these feature holes that also let air into the roof.

    Fascia and drip edge vents are good alternatives to soffit vents for places along the roofs perimeter that have little to no overhangs.

    Differences Between Intake And Exhaust Vents

    Exhaust vents are responsible for delivering heat or cooling air from your HVAC system. Intake vents remove air from rooms but unlike exhaust vents, they do the job silently. Intake vents are typically the largest vents in your dwelling.

    In concert, intake and exhaust vents maintain a balanced environment under roof because each has a specific role, thus everything that comes in, goes out again.

    This harmonious system may malfunction if air pressure within ducts are thrown out of whack, a happenstance that likely wont be a problem if your installation is done by a professional.

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    How Does Roof Ventilation Work

    Roof ventilation works by regulating the temperature and humidity levels in your roof cavity.

    In simple terms, roof ventilation works because hot air rises.

    When the hot air in the roof cavity is allowed to escape through a well-designed heat extraction and moisture control system then cooler air is sucked into the roof cavity from outside via the eaves to replace it.

    This maintains a more equitable climate throughout your home and prevents the build-up of moisture that occurs as a result of widely differing thermal conditions between outside and inside the roof cavity.

    Pressure differentials caused by external wind movement also create a similar type of vacuum sucking out hot air from inside the roof cavity.

    These two factors, thermal and wind pressure differential work in the same way for all types of roof ventilation products whether you choose to go with a powered or a passive roof ventilation system.

    Roof Vents Remove Warm Air During The Winter

    How to improve attic ventilation

    Too many people believe that because heat rises, ventilating an attic space during the winter means youre releasing warm air and creating a drag on your heating efficiency. If this is true, youve got bigger problems to worry about than letting warm air escape from your home. Poor insulation is usually the culprit, although if you enter the attic on sunny, winter day, your attic space can be warmed by the sun more than your furnace.

    Unless your roofing system has insulation on the roofing deck and is designed without ventilation, your furnace should not be heating your attic. Worse yet, inadequate insulation is almost surely allowing moisture-laden air into your attic. When this warm, moist air hits your roof, its likely to form condensation that will lead to further deterioration of your insulation and/or wood rot. If you think this might be a concern, wait till the sun goes down and measure the temperature in your attic. It should be pretty close to the outdoor temperature.

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